Long term grad - never get it right

on 4/27/12 3:38 am - Green Bay, WI
I had RNY surgery over 5 years ago. At my lowest weight, I was down to 115 pounds which was way to small for me -- I was seriously ill with a bowl obstruction at that time which accounts for the extreme weight loss. I've gained back to 155 pounds. That is still about ten or fifteen pounds too much for me but I'm learning to live with it. Weight is not my biggest issue though. 

I can't seem to get into the right routine. If I eat too much sugar, I dump. And sometimes I crave sugar like mad. I get very tired and caffeine makes me feel better but then I get dehydrated and/or constipated. I try to walk every day but the tiredness doesn't help. Heading into menopause doesn't help -- I'm just over 50 yo. I am so sick of trying to get some balance in my diet and exercise routine.

Has anyone else had this problem? How do I cope and figure it all out?
~~ Judy ~~

That's a picture of my youngest grandbaby in my avatar. She is my pre-e-cious.
Betty S.
on 4/27/12 4:09 am - Mesa, AZ
I went through the same thing after one year out- started eating EXACTLY what I shouldn't eat, even though I knew it would make me sick. Counseling is what helped me start to focus on paying attention to how I felt when I craved the no-no's. And now I still have snacks, but I know at night I'll have a piece of dark chocolate with nuts, and satisfy my urge to have something without dumping.
Menopause will really put you through some ups and downs, and remember to be kind to yourself!  Do you start your day with a protein drink?

on 4/28/12 6:39 am - Green Bay, WI
Counselling helped with my head but they don't help with my hormones or whatever causes the horrible sugar cravings. I start my day with an Atkins protein bar and hot herbal tea. I'm usually fine until lunch. I was eating Lean Cuisine meals at lunch and they gave me terrible sugar cravings. So I've switched over to Health Choice meals. They are better but I still get some cravings after I eat them. From then on it's a fight between my sugar cravings and my ability to resist them. I chew a lot of gum. I avoid having cash available so I can't easily give into temptation by hitting the vending machines. I try to keep fruit handy for a snack between meals. I am sick of dumping and I'm sick of fighting the cravings for the high carb food that cause the dumping.

~~ Judy ~~

That's a picture of my youngest grandbaby in my avatar. She is my pre-e-cious.
on 5/4/12 1:01 am - Eagan, MN
I am 21 months out, and I really get the sugar cravings.  Best thing is to cut all simple carbs out of your diet.  The Healthy Choice meals also contain simple carbs--it would be better to work out the time to pack your lunch instead.  Chili, stews, tuna salad on whole wheat or in a lettuce wrap, etc.  Also, those protein bars are usually also high in calories, and not very filling.  (Although it sounds like the Atkins bar is working for you, if you are okay until lunch.)  Can yo udo fruit?  Sometimes fresh fruit has too much sugar in it for me.

I also gain energy by exercise, which lets me have some simple carbs because my muscles need them.  I am 49 years old and I started running last year.  I took it very slowly, did the Couch to 5K with a 5K race at the end of it for a motivational goal.  Now I am running regularly, and even finished my first half-marathon last Saturday!  Nothing like a sport that burns 1500 calories in one race, LOL. 
Not the Same Dawn
on 4/28/12 12:12 pm - BEE EFF EEE, CA
Sugar is one of those things that is extremely addictive..I never even thought of it until I remembered seeing my ex husband quit consuming sugar..he went through the shakes and sweats..and it's really hard to quit eating sugar unless you quit completely and don't consume ANY sugar at all..at least until you can get it under control. There are people who believe that moderation is the way to go but if you just can't say no to a substance at all..you better just quit all together..like alcohol. As an alcoholic, you can't do alcohol in moderation..just can't.

Something to think about in any case.
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!

Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
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