
on 5/18/12 11:52 pm - Springtown, TX
Okay WLG,

    I need some help. I had RNY in '08 and have been gaining weight. Not eating what I should, etc...but my problem today is pain. I hurt on the left side, a tightness, a bloating, not unbearable but certainly uncomfortable. I thought it was constitpation and took some laxatives and so now the pain remains. Clearly it is not constipation. I've looked up on the internet and of course see everything from blockages to leaks. Has anyone ever experienced this before? I called surgeon and was told if the pain got unbearable to go to the ER and have a CT scan. I have a doctor's appointment in two weeks when they can get me in...really. So I turn to those who are living this. Any advice for me?

on 5/19/12 4:29 am - Silver Spring, MD
VSG on 02/27/12 with
I'm a new graduate but had a bout of severe pain that wouldn't go away about 5 weeks ago.  Everyone thought it was indigestion but after a ct scan found that it was kidney stones.  I was so happy to finally know what it was!  You can take meds to help pass them, have them zapped with a laser to break them up to pass them, or if you're super "lucky" lke me you get to have surgery to deal with them (ok maybe not lucky, just special)  Good luck and make them keep looking! 

Height 5'7"   HW: 314     SW: 293

on 5/19/12 4:40 am
I just posted about having a hernia and small bowel obstruction. It started off with pain on my left side and then it got worse. If the pain gets really bad and you start getting sick to your stomache go to the E.R. My pain started on a Saturday and I went to the urgent care on Monday they thought it was my gall bladder because the pain was across my entire upper belly by then. Well they just sent me home with pain medication. I saw my primary Dr on that Wednesday who ordered a CT scan stat and had it done the next morning. Well that Thursday I went for my CT went back home and was in so much pain throwing up felt like I was dying. Well husband took me to the E.R. and they admitted me and got my results from the CT which showed I had a SBO. They took me in for surgery the next morning. Don't ignore these symptoms it can be something very serious and if its not thats good. Just don't ingnore it
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