
on 1/23/11 10:02 am - Surrey, Canada
I'm 44 and nine years ago had a partial hysterectomy. (kept my ovaries)
So without the obvious signs of my periods stopping, what should I be looking for
and at what age did you go through menopause?

on 2/1/11 12:43 am - Joppa, MD
I started with the perimenopause around 41.  Hot flashes are fun...had one every night between 11-12 for months.  Along with others during the day, of course.  Incontinence, also a blast. 

My sleep got pretty irregular for a bit.  Vaginal dryness which had never been an issue before...sorry if that's TMI. 

It's been more than 7 months since my last cycle so I may make a complete year without one which means I have officially entered menopause. 

Honestly the hot flashes were the big sign for me.  Being fat I had always had problems with overheating easily but the hot flashes are different or they were for me.  Sort of like getting hot from the inside out. 


on 4/6/11 2:08 pm
 From what I've heard, having trouble sleeping at night is a very common sign.  Don't stress about one night of poor sleep here or there.  Some women have trouble sleeping for two or three years!  So, if it becomes a regular prob, that's a big sign.  And, of course, can be good to have your hormone levels checked.  Why get to the point that you feel like you're unravelling at the seams before taking action - and for some it starts to feel just like that.  Lost of zest for life, etc.  And, I personally recommend the natural hormones over the synthetic ones.  There is a difference!  I'm not menopausal but had to take some hormones to try to get my cycle worked out.  I tried three different kinds, I think.  The natural one rocked my world.  The synthetic, I wanted to crawl out of my own skin.

on 6/6/11 9:46 am
Don't worry about it. It's different for everyone. Mine hit me hard. Sleep?? What's that?

My skin is extremely dry; especially my scalp. No, I'm not talking about dandruff. Just very, very, very dry scalp. I scratch all the time. I gave myself impetigo because of it. Wonderful! Finally, I found some moisturizer that I can use on my scalp so I don't scratch nearly as often.

Gaining weight is a symptom too. Tired all the time. No energy. I have lost only 3 pounds since January. Had lap band in November 2009. Wondering if this is as good as it's going to get. Don't have much of a support system. Doing the best I can.
on 4/15/12 1:40 am
Revision on 12/10/12
 Hi, I am 49. Hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, memory loss, head aches, and mood swings for me. It all started for me at about 45. At 46 my period just stoped.  I started Hormone replacment, a bio identical patch.  It helped alot. I went off the patch after about a year and I though yea Im done. No hot flashes or night sweats...nothing. They are back.  So I think I am going to go back on the patch. It's different for each woman. Good luck.

Revision from RNY to DS 12/10/12 Dr. Ara Kesishian BMI: 19

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods





on 2/24/11 11:33 pm
I'm still in perimenopause... For me, it is the sleepless nights that were the first sign. I've had a few hot flashes and some dryness as well, but not sleeping is the opposite of what I normally do! Talk with your gyn about it! Or, call Planned Parenthood. They have free info!


HW: 250 SW: 224 GW: 135 CW: 124

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