Fat Haters...I just don't understand

on 6/4/14 5:50 am

I had a very personal, very painful experience last week and I am just now even able to write here about it and then today I stumbled upon an "article" on AOL News about a Japanese company labeling their clothes with very insulting labels.  I KNEW better but I read some of the comments anyway...and of course I am livid and sad at the same time.  People are so hateful.  It is still ok to attack someone, to hate them because the way THEY look offends YOU.  I just don't get it.

 As for my personal experience...I had been feeling very good that day.  I had done a long work out before we went out to a music festival that night and that night I danced and ultimately put in overr 1.600 steps.  I felt strong and good about myself for the first time in a long time.  I have lost 54 lbs and am now wearing an XL top and 12 bottoms.  I'd had my picture taken with some friends and one friend put it on Facebook.  The next morning I get up still having a happy hangover from such a fun night before and.... BAM right in the gut. Someone posted a hateful comment under the picture about me being fat.  I felt it physically.  I felt sick.  I know I am not supposed to let other people tell me how to feel, I know all that therapy stuff. but I let it ruin my day, my weekend in fact and didnt got back down to the music festival that night because I felt ashamed.  

I'm not really sure why I posted this, I guess for a little sympathy if I'm totally honest.  But I do truly have a hard time understanding why people think it's perfectly ok to hate and ridicule someone because of the size of their body.   Especially when the person attacked did nothing to the person/people attacking. 

Lapband 2004 103 lbs lost reflux, weight regain - Revision to RNY Feb 25th 2014



on 6/4/14 9:12 am - VA

I'm so sorry. I guess we can only hope karma will get even and the sooner the better. :(


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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on 6/9/14 12:06 am

Yeah Gina, that's what I'm hoping for too.  :)

Lapband 2004 103 lbs lost reflux, weight regain - Revision to RNY Feb 25th 2014



Price S.
on 6/4/14 12:01 pm - Mills River, NC

I think by putting someone down, they somehow get a lift in their own self image.  Sad, but kind of like bullies.  Why, because they haven't been raised to respect everyone and love.  It is very sad.  Sorry they got to you.

    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat  66 yrs young, 4'11"  hw  220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance

Between 35-40 BMI? join us on the Lightweight board.  the Lightweight Board

on 6/9/14 12:07 am

Thanks Price.  It's true that they haven't been taught to respect and I should feel a little sorry or them...haven't gotten there just yet though. ;)

Lapband 2004 103 lbs lost reflux, weight regain - Revision to RNY Feb 25th 2014



Tracy D.
on 6/4/14 11:50 pm, edited 6/5/14 5:27 am - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

I can't even imagine that in a pair of size 12 pants that you actually looked "fat" - ?!?  Kind of blows my mind that people can be that mean.  I'm so sorry that some asshole ruined your day.  

If you know that reading this kind of stuff triggers you into feeling bad (and sometimes that will cause us to spiral into unhealthy eating), please use all your willpower to avoid reading these types of stories and/or reviewing the comments.   It's like sticking a knife in your own heart and YOU have control over your own behavior, even when you don't have control over what other stupid people say and do.  


 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































on 6/9/14 12:12 am

You are absolutely right Tracy and I usually do avoid things that I know are going to upset me.  I fell into the trap this time but I won't do it again any time soon.  That "learned me".  The worse part was having not seen a picture of myself in so long and to have my worst fears confirmed for all the world to see that I was in fact, 50 lbs later and in "regular" clothes STilL FAT by society standards.  I do need to work harder on not letting other people dictate how I feel.  My weight loss center has mental health guidance as part of our program and I have made an appointment with the therapist for this Thursday.  I plan to attack this weight issue of mine from every angle I am given ammunition for!

Lapband 2004 103 lbs lost reflux, weight regain - Revision to RNY Feb 25th 2014



Roz !!!!
on 6/5/14 12:08 am - Butler, PA

WOW...that's terrible!  I worry every time someone posts a picture of me that someone is going to comment on my wrinkles.  I'm hoping this isn't a FB friend of yours but a friend of the person who posted it.  I would Befriend him and never look back!!!  Also I have noticed that sometimes pictures on FB do make me look heavier than I actually am.


God is walking with me every step of the way. Because of HIM this is possible!!

RNY 10/15/2008 9+ Years!!!
Height: 4' 11" HW: 203 SW: 197 CW: 119
on Maintenance

on 6/9/14 12:05 am

Thanks Roz, no it wasn't my friend it was a friend of my sisters.  The other painful thing that I didn't share at first is that my sister "liked" the comment.  I'm trying to tell myself that she just went down the line of comments and "liked" them all.  It was all just so painful and ugly. 

I pretty much hate having my picture taken as I always look huge in them to myself. 

Lapband 2004 103 lbs lost reflux, weight regain - Revision to RNY Feb 25th 2014



Roz !!!!
on 6/9/14 3:03 am - Butler, PA

It's really easy sometimes to hit like by accident.  I'd just ask your sister about it.


God is walking with me every step of the way. Because of HIM this is possible!!

RNY 10/15/2008 9+ Years!!!
Height: 4' 11" HW: 203 SW: 197 CW: 119
on Maintenance

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