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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 4/24/24 5:03 am, edited 4/24/24 9:49 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

It's nice to be home! Even though it is going to be a revolving door for guests until we leave. Today we need to get ready for the first arrivals tomorrow including finishing up housecleaning (DH already did the heavy stuff like floor cleaning) and food shopping in preparation. DH's family are totally into snacks and appetizers. No wonder they are struggling with their weight. They were surprised that DH no longer keeps cheezits, peanut M&Ms or nuts in the house, apparently he always had them to snack on. The nuts were the last to go not because they are necessarily unhealthy but DH inhales them. When he has them he probably eats the equivalent of 8-10 servings in a sitting. It was his choice to stop buying them btw and he says he has been losing some weight since he did so.

I sure hope Kirby gets a new trainer. I agree with Diane S that he will probably suck up proper training and be very happy knowing how to please his person with good behavior.

Have a winsome Wednesday!

on 4/24/24 8:52 am

Glad you had fun!

I heard back from the trainer and they are putting him on their schedule.

It's a gorgeous day here. The worst of the heat is past for now.

The scale moved down 0.8. Yay! 26.6. It's shot day. Still out of stock. I have some room, but I hate using up my cushion. I should count myself lucky. Some people have been without for weeks. Why would they keep advertising it when they can't supply the people who ate already taking it?

Nothing else to report here. Off to shoot up! Ha.

Have a great day.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 4/24/24 9:50 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Yeah on Kirby's schedule and almost a pound. I agree it is weird that they keep advertising...

on 4/24/24 12:46 pm

Yay for inclusion on the training schedule!!!!! He's a pup that's ready for work! I hope round 2 goes far better than round 1!

on 4/24/24 12:58 pm

I am wiped! I slept for a long time yesterday afternoon. Luckily, I didn't have too much trouble falling asleep last night, but I did stay up later working on money stuff than I should have. Still fighting with the HSA. They finally approved my expenses (the last one this morning after a midnight email from me), however, not a dime has been deposited to my checking account. I also haven't gotten a check in the mail. Frustrating! I decided to put through my semaglutide receipts to see what happens there. It's a prescription, so there should be no problem, but who knows since the IRS has come down on these companies.

Weight was back down a smidge today. I'll take it. Weight would certainly be coming off more easily if I was getting the rest I should. My own fault right now. Burning the midnight oil was followed by a 5:30 am wake up to take my brother to his colonoscopy appointment at 6:15. I was at school by 6:30. I took a power nap in the parking lot this morning! LOL

Not much else today.... I wish HenryMeds would find a compounding pharmacy in CA for Zepbound/Mounjaro. I would like to additional effect of the GIP. I am pretty sure that if I can't get it I will at least ask to be upped to a dose more in line with Wegovy vs. Ozempic.

Wonderful Wednesday to all!

diane S.
on 4/24/24 4:52 pm

Greetings all

Mostly sunny here today. I spent the morning doing paper work stuff which was mostly clerical such as copying and organizing and filing. Also a gallery deposit and a series of errands relating to the paper stuff. No fun. I am not especially good at organizing and my desk is a mess and I can't find stuff for tomorrow's studio board meeting. I have not checked the trunk of the new car and must do so. Sounds odd but I might have put stuff out of sight while running other errands. Oy vey.

Studio time this afternoon. I glazed stuff only to find there is no room in the kiln I prefer. Oh well. It can wait.

Liz nuts are so hard to resist. Glad Mike is not buying them. Ditto the cheezits and m and m's. Too much. DH brings home candy but it's only mildly tempting. Crackers are another story.

CC glad the trainer is lined up. Hope you are rested from your farming activities! Must do mine.

We watched the latest of Palm Royale last night. Its hilarious. A sort of cliff hanger. Also watched "Loot" which is funny. Back to Shogun tonight. So much for funny.

Peps sorry you had such a long day. Parking lot nap indeed. Rest up.

Pizza for dinner tonight. Then it's gone and back to the never ending task of meal planning. I am wondering if the Chez Rat restaurant has opened up again. I have to go to the gallery tomorrow afternoon and may get take out from a different little place up there, the Lighthouse Grill. How did I ever do all this plus have a real job?

Diane S

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on 4/24/24 6:40 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

My goodness Liz, how did you resist those snacks when you and Mike first started living together? I cannot stay out of crackers, chips, and some candy. We can't have those sorts of foods in the house. It is easier to resist now with Wegovy (like Christmas fudge still in the freezer) but I wouldn't trust myself around M&Ms.

CC, Kirby is growing up and now he's going to big dog school! I'm so glad you were able to find a trainer that comes with good recommendations. This could be a game changer.

Peps, hopefully you can make it to the weekend and try to catch up on some sleep. Re your werewolves comment. Made me laugh because sometimes that's how students behave, minus growing the fur coat.

Diane, you are indeed becoming the one to beat in scrabble. Who says sharks don't have any natural predators? They need to watch out for artist/lawyer types.

Today went fine at school, although I'm still feeling rebellious when I contemplate all my paperwork. Romeo and Juliet is going surprisingly well. Today we got to the part where Mercurtio yells a plague on both your houses! You have made worm's meat of me!! They were able to explain what he was alluding to. Yeah! Simmering in the background though, strike vote starts tomorrow. If it passes, it gives the Union Executive Council the right to call a strike, but doesn't mean they have to.

I saw a deal of the day on Amazon: a tropical bedspread. Maybe we can't buy a house in Florida, but our bed can dress likes it's in the tropics. Something fun for the summer. Feeling pretty fancy, having seasonal bedding and all. :)

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 4/25/24 4:55 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I have known people who have seasonal throw pillows, blankets, and spreadsheets and thought that was a great idea! But never did it myself...
