Brevard County Support Group


February meeting
February 16, 2011 9:13 am

We all have goals we want to reach but wonder why it’s taking so long to get there, so I would like everyone to give this a try and share it at our next meeting.


1.    Keep a food journal for at least three days or more

2.    Write down what type of exercise you did. (It can be anything)

3.    Write down a goal you would like to reach whether is it’s a weight goal, food goal, exercise goal, or a personal goal.

4.    Write down something you are grateful for


Everyone bring a recipe that has worked for you since your surgery. If you have any favorite protein drinks, vitamin, any type of product you have discovered.

Hope you can come to the meeting.

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January Support Group meeting
February 12, 2011 10:20 pm
Our January meeting was really good we had 6 people attend had some new faces. We had a nutritionist come and talk to us. The group seemed to really enjoy it and got some good information from it. We are going to have her back in a couple of months. We all have diferent issues with food, so coming up a menu plan is hard.

Our February meeting is on February 23rd. at 5:30 in the Palm Bay Community hospital Private Dinning room. I've got a new liquid protein samples for everyone to try. Hope to see some more new faces.
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