What we call small victories are mountains that have been moved

Oct 22, 2011

One month and one day after surgery and I was 37 lbs down. Now tell me why that upset me when there is no way in the world I would have been 37 lbs down in 31 days without surgery! It took me awhile, with the encouragement of my friends, to realize that what I have accomplished is huge and much greater than a scale can ever tell.


1) On the same day I had an HR meeting and was able to sit for hours in a chair that at higher weights I broke.


2) The ability to walk in a room from whatever parking distance and sit down and not be winded, sweaty or out of breath.


3) No longer having extreme cravings for junk food, high sugarery items or high carbs items. Just because you can have something does not mean you should.


4) Turning down donuts, chips and fancy pastries that my co-worker bought in on Friday.


5) Having a new lease on life and being in control! 


I am proud and happy with my new life now and this is the best decision that I have made! The freak outs, moments of discomfort even the tears were all worth it to be on the track that I am now. I am finally losing weight and it is permanent. I feel better than I have ever!


I cannot imagine the differences three, six, nine or even twelve months from now! For the first time in my life soon I will be a normal thin young woman. All the limitations that my weight has placed on me for over 30 years will be eliminated.


Oh, one wonderful thing I forgot to report from the doctor’s office: my blood pressure was 117/85! The last time I was there it was 136/90! Thank you Lord Jesus!

