Meridia sucks!

Apr 17, 2010

I think the Meridia my PCP has me on is screwing with my head.  I'm feeling up then down all the time.  My dreams have gone batty, and it takes me some time in the morning to come down from it.  I think my brain is having to work super hard for some reason.  I can't remember dream details, and I always have been able to before.  I keep thinking it will pass, and it hasn't.  I don't know if I should call or just keep going.  It's just two more weeks.

May 3.  That's when I don't have to take it anymore.  I go back to the PCP for my recommendation letter.  I can't wait.  It is also the day before my birthday.  It will be like a nice pesent to have that letter. 

I'm trying to remember to write here more often.  My thoughts are flying around my head right now, but nothing is seeming to come together.  It's very frustrating.


About Me
Hudson, NC
Mar 08, 2010
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