My name is Amanda Dunn.  I am just 24 years old.  I recently graduated from college and received my teaching license.  I also celebrated my one year wedding anniversary in January.  My husband is truly my best friend.  He amazes me with his continual support and desire to see me happy.  He is my rock and my soul. 

I have been overweight for as long as I have been able to remember.  I've seen pictures of myself thinner, but it's nothing that I've ever been able to recall.  My entire family is overweight.  My brother is going through this journey as I am, and it is such a relief to have someone who understands the same struggles I've faced daily.

I've decided to have weight loss surgery because it's the last option.  I've been fortunate enough to be relatively healthy in lieu of my weight.  Given my family's history of weight related health issues, I have decided now is the time to get healthy.  More than that, I want so badly to start a family with my husband.  My ovaries are struggling under the weight I have, and they're not working like they should.  I have had enough. 

I want to become a runner.  I want to ride a roller coaster again.  I want to walk into a room and know I can sit in any chair without worrying if my hips will fit or it will crack under my weight.  I want to play on the floor with my students without having to preplan the way I wll get back up.  I want to shop in a store that doesn't charge me twice as much for clothes as regular size stores.  I want my life to be longer. 

I want to live. 

About Me
Hudson, NC
Mar 08, 2010
Member Since

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