Post Holidays! 166

Jan 03, 2010

Hello to all that may read. I had a great Christmas and an awesome New Years. I have been eating a bit more than usual but sticking to protein and straying as much as possible from carbs. I figure I can't hurt too much with protein. I have been bouncing back and forth from 168-166 for a few weeks but have been staying at 166 for a bit so I thought I would post. I am in size 14 jeans from Old Navy and THEY LOOK GOOD! I do have some 14's from Wal-Mart that are way tight and don't fit too well but the ones from Old Navy are a cute cut and fit for me. I bought a tight a shirt from Old Navy as well and it was a MU-MU-MU..... MEDIUM! YES! For Christmas my oh so awesome mother in law got me a gift card to Victoria's Secret and I am hoping that they will have some bras in my size there! I am in need! On News Years Day we all went to a amusement Park and I rode a Wooden roller coaster, now I never got kicked off of a ride because of my weight but I could tell that they were close a few times, I felt the looks- and could feel myself not fitting well. When we rode the ride on Friday I fit well, got banged up even! My butt was touching both sides if the seat but that's ok in my book and I am pretty sure that they are built that way.
As of now my goal is 150 and I am looking in the mirror and at pictures and going, ugh I don't know if 150 is low enough. I think I will have to wait until I am at 150 to make a final decision but I am thinking my goal will be changed to 140. I am pretty short (5'2'') so that will still be heavy for my body type but I am thinking that 140 will "look" better. I've been getting compliments from people at work about my loss especially in my face. I've noticed I now have pronounced cheekbones and my face isn't so round. My hair was falling out bad since October but has slowed down almost overnight, I have been taking vitamins from GNC hair and nails and ultra women’s formula. I don't know if these are the reason but I have been taking them for almost a month and the loss has almost stopped. So it looks like I didn't need a wig for Christmas after all- good thing! Well my hopes for this next month or so is, get down to 160, get my hair done now that it's not falling out by the handfuls and ride bikes with my Daughter more. Wish me luck!  


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Jun 29, 2007
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