Time Flies..........150

Jul 04, 2010

It's been awhile!

I'm at 150!

Feeling better and better. Job is busy busy, I have no spare time to get on here and post by the time I get home, do my maternal and wifely duties. This weekend is a 3 day one due to the 4th. I am in size 10 still. I have changed my goal to 140 just for s%$@ and giggles. That will take me awhile. Thanks to all that may read!


Trying to be active!..........153

May 16, 2010

Well, I am at 153. I have been eating lots of sushi. Still just at 153. I have been real active this weekend. Saturday my Daughter and I went swimming, today (Sun) we went roller skating.I think that I am just in a stall really. I do need to be more continuously active. I  have been taking advantage of the cafeteria at work, that needs to stop! K so, 10 months almost down. Hoping to be at 150 real soon. Will keep this posted. Thanx.


HI! 155-153

Apr 14, 2010

Hi everyone!

 Lots and lots has happened in the last 6 weeks, I changed jobs, lost about 8 lbs, got sick (not surgery related), my baby turned 9, fit into a size 10 and did I mention I lost about 8 lbs? Well, I was eating a bunch to be honest, got on a carb frenzy, it was ok, I just wasn't losing. Then I got sick, or should I say food poisoning and didn't eat for almost 2 days I took advantage of the situation and just did a mini 5 day pouch test. It worked. I am now back on track. I am eating a lot less and not hungry at all really. The new job is so far so good, I am back on days, moved from a private facility to a hospital, I now have benefits. I have to drive a lot farther but the trade is a good one. I went down to 153 last week but right now I am at 155. 5 pounds from initial goal of 150. My goal will be changed to 140-145. I am still very large in the mid section, I will need a TT for that to be gone. My husband whom is 6'0'' and 140 and can eat whatever he wants and doesn't gain a ounce says I need to do sit ups and I am like that is not going to get rid of loose skin dude! But whatever, he's cute though. I have to pay for this surgery before I have anymore. plus, I've heard that it is best to wait 2 years post op. Well I have a 5 year loan so no use in staring at the clock. I bought a lot of new clothes and I am wearing size 10 in most skirts and slacks, in jeans I am 12, so that's good. I still go to the plus section on accident constantly. I feel weird walking over to the "regular" sizes. My mind has not caught up. I am wearing Medium in almost all shirts, unless they are button up then my chest is too large and the buttons bulge, I know most of you are probably like, I wish I had that problem! But, it is annoying and frustrating. Ok, well my goal in the next 4-6 weeks is to finally get to 150 if possible, keep eating like I should and focus on being good at my new job! Thanks to whomever reads! 


6.5 months..........161

Feb 24, 2010

Thought I would post my progress since I have this suspicion that I am done losing for a bit until I actually start working out. I am wearing size 14 bottoms, Medium or Large in most shirts and 7.5-7 in shoes. Pre- VSG I was size 20-22 bottoms, 2XL/3XL in most shirts and size 8 in shoes. My weight was 218-222 at all times and I am now 161-163. I plan on getting a membership up the road at the Rec. Center or YMCA here soon, I would like to be a fit 150 rather than a flabby 160. Once the weather here in Texas starts to warm up, I'll get my butt up more. I am eating whatever I want, just smaller portions. This is a curse and a blessing at the same time. I DO NOT EVER feel deprived. I am able to have drinks while out or at home, and enjoy some desserts and bread as well. I think these last 6 months of watching, watching,watching what I eat for the first time in my life has made me slightly revolt over the last few weeks, I am just eating what I want and that's OK to me right now, I am approximately 10-12 pounds from my initial goal of 150, no rush for me right now. Yes, I would like to be at goal before the first 9 months but I am just not going to allow myself worry about it. I am neutral right now in my weight loss, I am OK with what I have lost but know I need to lose a bit more. These 10 pounds are not going to make or break me. And I know I can lose it. I am not scared I know with this tool I will be able to at my pace, it is not impossible anymore! SO, here is my "official" 6 month picture for your enjoyment!


Something happened.........

Feb 07, 2010

I am at Walmart yesterday scavenging the clearance isle for clothes. I drift over to the plus section I guess by habit, and as I am forging through what remained on the racks I eventually move to this other rack that happened to have a lady standing on the other side looking at the clothes as well, she looks at me and goes "all these clothes are huge, nothing that will fit you." I told her, you just made my day! I still look at myself and go, ugh, fatty but I never thought that I wouldn't to others! It's been real hard to get out of the 160's but I am close it's been a couple of days since I have weighed myself but I was at 161 the other day. I am only about 11 pounds from goal but I am seriously thinking that 150 is too high for my ultimate long term awesome goal. I think 140 will be but I'm not going to stress myself out over that at this time. I know I will have to actually work out to get there. My belly is huge still I think if it wasn’t for my belly I would be probably wearing a size 10 by now. it's just not going anywhere!! All in good time and good workouts. It's coming soon I know it; I can't rely on surgery for every pound. Anyways I need to post pics, will try soon! Thank you to all that may read! 


My scale is moving!

Jan 10, 2010

Ok so hopped back on the scale a few days ago and It read 163!! I bought myself the most gorgeous bra in thee world from Victoria’s Secret the other day- Before surgery I was wearing a 42 H!!!.....I KNOW! now I am wearing a 36 DD!! YEA! I cannot believe my measurement around has changed that much! I was even measured and all! I couldn’t believe the lady when she said "36" ... I am so excited and happy that I am able to buy pretties again! 

1 comment

Post Holidays! 166

Jan 03, 2010

Hello to all that may read. I had a great Christmas and an awesome New Years. I have been eating a bit more than usual but sticking to protein and straying as much as possible from carbs. I figure I can't hurt too much with protein. I have been bouncing back and forth from 168-166 for a few weeks but have been staying at 166 for a bit so I thought I would post. I am in size 14 jeans from Old Navy and THEY LOOK GOOD! I do have some 14's from Wal-Mart that are way tight and don't fit too well but the ones from Old Navy are a cute cut and fit for me. I bought a tight a shirt from Old Navy as well and it was a MU-MU-MU..... MEDIUM! YES! For Christmas my oh so awesome mother in law got me a gift card to Victoria's Secret and I am hoping that they will have some bras in my size there! I am in need! On News Years Day we all went to a amusement Park and I rode a Wooden roller coaster, now I never got kicked off of a ride because of my weight but I could tell that they were close a few times, I felt the looks- and could feel myself not fitting well. When we rode the ride on Friday I fit well, got banged up even! My butt was touching both sides if the seat but that's ok in my book and I am pretty sure that they are built that way.
As of now my goal is 150 and I am looking in the mirror and at pictures and going, ugh I don't know if 150 is low enough. I think I will have to wait until I am at 150 to make a final decision but I am thinking my goal will be changed to 140. I am pretty short (5'2'') so that will still be heavy for my body type but I am thinking that 140 will "look" better. I've been getting compliments from people at work about my loss especially in my face. I've noticed I now have pronounced cheekbones and my face isn't so round. My hair was falling out bad since October but has slowed down almost overnight, I have been taking vitamins from GNC hair and nails and ultra women’s formula. I don't know if these are the reason but I have been taking them for almost a month and the loss has almost stopped. So it looks like I didn't need a wig for Christmas after all- good thing! Well my hopes for this next month or so is, get down to 160, get my hair done now that it's not falling out by the handfuls and ride bikes with my Daughter more. Wish me luck!  


F$&#ing Holidays.....................170-172

Nov 29, 2009

Hi all that may read this!
Last time I posted I was at 176-178 and really freaking out. Well I have to say that I have gotten down to 170!! I am though currently at 172, I do believe from Holiday eating I spiked back up to 172. I am trying to stay positive. I am also thinking about trying a variation of a "pouch test" soon. I think I have been progressively bad with my intake especially carbs. I need to get back to basics. I NEED to be in the 160's by mid December! So, things are "good" I would have to say, could be better but that's ok, I am only human! I am going to take this month break in between Thanksgiving and Christmas to get re-focused and gulp,..... workout?!?!? If I want to EVER be 150 I have to! But try convincing a post-graveyard shift me, HA! (wish me and the other me luck )


It is official....................STALL 178

Oct 18, 2009

title says it all, STALL its been a month....... I did move down to 176 but went right back up to 178 right before my cycle. I've been eating kinda, well I HAVE been eating CRAPPY. I still need to start working out! You know that feeling you get when you know you've been wrong you say yes I'm going to start NOW CHANGE YES! Just to royally F yourself 10 minutes later??? Yea...I've recently gone back to nights at work so I know that isn't helping I am craving carbs like crazy because I'm sleep deprived and just burnt-out. So, thought I'd post, nothing too new apparently. Wish me luck! 


Sep 16, 2009

tomorrow I will be 7 weeks post-op. My scale at home says I am 178-179!! I am so happy! I went through a slight plateau for about 10 days and then it dropped from 186 to 179 seems like overnight. I am eating very small meals, they are going down well. Trying to get my fluids in, some days are good, some days are bad. I am buying Large shirts (that's right no x's) and still wearing 18's in pants but they are getting looser by the day. My stomach doesn't seem to want to let go of the weight as fast as the rest of me. I have a pair of slacks in a size 16 in the closet just waiting. They are very tight right now. I feel so much better standing, walking and doing everyday activites. This is going very well.

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