Day 1 of Full Liquids

Jan 29, 2010

Well like I probably mentioned earlier, at the stroke of midnight on day 1 of full liquids I was ready to dig into some broccoli cheese soup.  It was good going down, but it did not sit good on my stomach.  I didn't puke or anything but my stomach was just very heavy.  I think I ate too much. 

Today I went grocery shopping for some foods for this week and I think I went overboard.  I am in survival mode now.  I want to make sure I have foods that I can eat and enjoy that still follow the rules.  I tried to find some sugar-free plain yogurt but all of them had sugar so I settled for the lowest sugared yogurt there was.  I have not eaten much today.  I have mainly been forcing myself to sip water and then I did have a Hi-C orange drink for lunch (not good I know, since it has sugar) and also I had a hot chocolate before I went to work to help me stay up (also had sugar but I will be nipping this in the bud, I swear).  Still having a hard time getting in all my water but I did better today.  Then tonite when I got home from work I had about 1 cup (ok maybe a teeny bit more but not much) of Tomato Basil soup.  It was pretty tasty, I've never had tomato basil soup before. I still really would like to have a grilled ham and cheese sandwich but I am satisfied with my diet thus far. 


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Raleigh, NC
Surgery Date
Jul 30, 2008
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