Update, First Fill Appt., Small Non-Scale Victory Etc.

Mar 01, 2010

Hi all.  Well its been another 10 days since my last weigh-in and I regret to inform you there has been NO CHANGE.  Now I have to admit that I do check the scale everyday before I take a shower, BUT in my book, to keep myself from getting obsessed, I only count the weight every 10 days.  That kind of backfired on me this week because all week I have been fluctuating like crazy, 304, 305, 306, and 307 today but I blame it on my monthly friend.

Last time I posted I vowed to hit the gym at least 3 times last week, and I DID IT!  I am really proud of myself because I have the extra burden of having to find someone to watch my baby while I work out. Thankfully the gym has a child activity center, but still it does require the extra effort of calling in advance to schedule him to be watched.  Anyways I did the elliptical for 35 minutes, and was able to burn at least 300 calories, and then I did weights for about another 30 minutes.  I have been keeping a log of what exercises I do and at what intensity.  This will help me push myself a little harder each week.

My eating has been pretty OK.  I still have not resolved myself to giving up bread completely but it does not feel all that good going down.  I am trying my best to focus on my proteins though.  Yesterday I went to a buffet with my family and loaded up on meat...chicken, fish, a rib.  Surprisingly I could not even finish one whole plate of food!  So yeah I'm doing pretty good with the food the only challenge is when I get off work late.  If I don't cook, it is hard to think of something low carb to eat that I can just pick up.  I try to eat just the meat and cheese and veggie off of a sandwich but sometimes that is a little unfulfilling.    I am constantly trying to think up good tasting low carb dishes that I can have.   I've got one....Spinach and Artichoke dip....mmm cheesey and garlicy its delish.

Anyways, heres the big news of the week....last Thursday I went to the doc for my first fill.  I was kinda nervous because of the needle but the nurse practitioner assured me it wouldn't hurt.  So anyways I lay on the table and I feel just a few pokes in my stomach with the needle, nothing too painful, I guess she was feeling around for where the needle is supposed to go in, after a few pokes and pricks she stops so I'm thinking that wasn't bad at all!!  But  it turned out she couldn't get the needle into the port so she was going to have the Dr. come in and do my fill.  Soo after much waiting the Physician's Assistant comes in and does the same thing, pokes around the port site.  He said it was difficult to get the needle into port because of scar tissue soo he takes me to another room to get X-rayed (kind of inconvenient cause I had my son with me and he could not come in the room because of the radiation).  Anyways they take a few pictures of the port area from different angles and then they finally get the doctor in the room and lo and behold...they tell me I have a tilted port (which I think is a candy-coated way of saying it is slightly flipped).  The doctor is looking all flustered and so anyways he takes me back to the other room and tries to do my fill himself, from different angles.  He kept telling me to push and I was thinking I didn't even have to do any pushing birthing my son, why must I push now??  He wanted me to push my stomach out, he stuck me at least 4 times and finally he gave up and he showed me the needle and that huge needle was bent up in 3 or 4 places from hitting the plastic side of the port.  Sooo pretty much now I have to have surgery to fix my port.  I should be mad.  This is the 3rd time I will be going under this surgeon's knife in less than 6 months.  First my gall bladder removal, then the band placement, now this.  I should get it done for free.  I am just glad I'm not a self payer or else I WOULD be mad. But I am still thankful for my band...right now anyways, I couldn't have lost these 20 or so lbs without it....at least not as quickly.

Now on to my non scale victory.  I went shopping for pants on Saturday, and I had my mind set on getting size 26 since I am still over 300lbs.  I went to Avenue and they barely had any jeans in a size 26 and the ones they did have were ugly so I thought to myself let me see if I can squeeze into a size 24....and to my surprise they FIT...no squeezing at all, they even had extra room!!!  Then I went to Walmart to buy a shirt, and I got a 4x because I have some shirts in that size, and it was HUGE  on me!  So while the scale is not moving, and my band is a little jacked up right now, I am still moving forward.  I might not have good restriction right now but for the most part I am pretending I do, and it is working for me at least as far as gettng inches off.  So I will continue to exercise, and get my surgery on the 12th, and hopefully next time I can report at least a 2lb weight loss.  Until next time...


About Me
Raleigh, NC
Surgery Date
Jul 30, 2008
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