Always Focused...

Jun 14, 2010

I feel like all I think about is me. It seems so selfish, but in my head I'm constantly thinking about my new lifestyle, what I'm eating, what I did eat, how I feel, is the scale moving, am I doing this wrong, blah, blah, blah... I try to focus on other things and on the outside I do real well I think, but inside my head it's always there. I don't know if it's a bad thing or not? Its not hurting anyone else I don't think, and I keep telling myself that as time goes on I will calm down. I'm still trying to figure out this whole food thing. I pretty much stick to the same things every day because I'm comfortable with that. I don't eat meat so I know I really have to try hard to get the protein in without getting the carbs or to much fat in.  It is getting easier though, as long as I have a plan...Other than trying to figure out what to eat I think I am doing pretty good. I haven't been sick or had any pouch problems. I feel pretty "normal" where that is concerned. I have started excercising which makes me feel good, I just have to up the amount of days and really focus on the weights also...I am so thankful for this site. I can read other peoples questions and know that I am not alone and I am not going crazy by myself lol...Sorry for the crazy randomness, this is just where my head is today...


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Surgery Date
May 10, 2010
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