Countdown To Slim-Down -- T Minus 18 Days & Counting

Mar 07, 2013

Well, as you can see, I missed 19!! Well, was without power due to the "snowquester" that passed through my area. What a dumb name for a storm. Anyway, the power's back on and all is good.

So my neck is a bit sore the last couple of days and I just have to guess that it is from the endoscopy and maybe they had to move my head around a lot or something. I'm not too sure. I tried to Google it and read a story about one guy who said he called his doctor and they told him that he work up during the endoscopy and thrashed around some and then threw up!! That's why he was sore. I wonder why they didn't tell him that when he really woke up? He said he had no knowledge of waking up during the procedure.

18 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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