Countdown To Slim-Down -- T Minus 17 Days & Counting

Mar 09, 2013

Not much to say today. I thought I had something earlier, but I guess I forgot what it was. 

The closer I get to my date the more nervous I get. I was asked the other day if I had buyer's remorse. What? I haven't bought anything yet! I asked what the hell she meant and she said do I miss eating things yet? What!? I haven't had the surgery yet numb nuts!! Anyway, I was cordial and just said no.

My biggest fears are waking up in the ICU with tubes down my throat and the nurse shaking my leg or something saying, "Mr. Hood? Mr. Hood? Can you hear me? Do you know where you are?" You know, shit like that!! I have had other surgeries and even that Endoscopy but I have never really had these kinds of fears. I know this is a bit more invasive, but surgery and anesthesia are pretty much the same. Some complications from various surgeries are common. Anyway, I shouldn't really be talking like this anyway.

I'm ready to be 6 weeks post-op. I'm not looking forward to 2 days post-op. I'm hoping that I'll be one of those people that just has minimal pain at the incision and that's about it. Maybe if I keep telling myself that I can convince myself to be that way.


Click on this button to follow a link to and if you register using the referral code that it comes up with we both get off. I'm putting this on all my posts now so I can save some cash!!!

