Countdown To Slim-Down -- T Minus 13 Days & Counting

Mar 12, 2013

Okay, well it must be getting to me now because I am starting to dream about the surgery. So far it's just me looking in on myself and not so much me being myself. Does that make sense? It's not me being me in the dream after surgery, it's me seeing me after surgery. It's all very sporadic so I really can't tell if I'm happy/sad/mad or whatever. I just know that in the past when it starts to become crunch time I start dreaming about whatever it is.

I am psyched and ready to go. I'm nervous and my wife is nervous for me. I keep asking her if she's ready and she keeps saying it's me that needs to be ready. I keep trying to tell her that she'd better be prepared too. I told her she's going to have to deal with me whining about pain, not being able to eat, not wanting to go somewhere, or whatever. This is a lifestyle change for me AND THE FAMILY. It IS going to affect us ALL in one way or another. She's very supportive, but I don't think she realizes just how much this is going to change us all. Or at least I believe it is going to change us all.

Hey a good friend of mine shared a struggle she had which is interesting. We all tend to think that the something new that we have is the something that everyone else wants or that everyone is going to notice. Like a new car or clothes or something. When we buy a new car we ride around with our heads up high thinking everyone is going to notice and go Wow what a cool car that guy has. Well, she thought the same thing about her surgery that everyone would be so like Wow, you're looking so slim. And I mean she thought everyone down to the people you never even saw before in the mall or whatever. Like they'd know she lost weight!! I forget exactly what she said, but I say it's like the super hero or queen/king for a day type complex. It really is just like that car or whatever. You think everyone notices that you are driving around in a brand new car when in reality, no one really cares except maybe those close to you and that's a big maybe. I thought it was kind of funny but I can see myself being the same way though. It was an interesting look at herself and that she realized it.

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