
Mar 29, 2015

I couldn't believe it...I stepped on the scale the other morning and it said 199.8! I was almost reduced to tears but I was so tired I could barely read the numbers. I can't believe I am only almost 3 months out and 7 pounds from the goal weight the doc set for me.  I know I want to go below that but it is crazy seeing that number after almost 6 years at being above 200. I don't get out and moving as much as I would like to because school keeps me busy non-stop but I am getting out and riding bikes, boxing, playing tennis, walking.  I am so happy with where I am at and I can see the light that involves babies at the end of the tunnel. 

I think my better accomplishment is getting my parents to eat better, be conscious about the healthy vs. non-healthy things they are doing.  I was accused by a sister for being "high and mighty" because I was enlightening her on her meal choices, basically just saying it could be done another way.  This is no way to make myself feel more important than it is just trying so hard to make my family choose healthier things.  I was told if I had a baby first, she would be angry but with PCOS, if you don't lose weight, you can kiss your chances of baby goodbye.  I don't want to feel guilty anymore for losing weight and her not making better choices.

My husband is also 2 inches down on his waist and I am trying to encourage him like crazy.  Telling him I can notice his weight loss is important because I know he doesn't feel it.  People have also started to notice and have asked if I am "ok" and "healthy" and it is a super awkward convo to have.  I can't imagine the life I am going to live now that I have a complete different view of it.  My husband continues to support me daily and we talk a lot about how I feel disgusted some days to eat.  I hate feeling that way but I think I am terrified of gaining it back.  

On a last note, what is the deal with some doctors?? My dad went to his physician to talk to him about surgery because he has so many co-morbidities.  Insurance was going to completely cover it but the doc said he was too old and wouldn't even come close to the same results.  Then told him he would need more than two weeks of recovery??!!  So even though it meant diabetes going away and extending his life, he decided against it because the doc is biased.  It makes me so mad that they can't look at all these success stories and see that this is actually doing wonders in peoples lives. 

Well that is the end of my rant,




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Surgery Date
Feb 25, 2014
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