A Better Me!

Sep 03, 2010

 I know I'm 1 in thousands of people who have been sleeved, but you can't understand (maybe some of you can) how I feel. I am so elated to have my energy level up. It's like going from 0 to 80! Unbelievable!! I wake up in the morning Thanking God for another day and for bringing me through the procedure. One amazing thing, I don't do the marathon bathroom thing all night anymore; I wake up at about 7/7:30am do some housework, take my shower and head for the gym (3days a week for now). I even spend 1 day with my father-in-law cooking & cleaning for him! You see, if you looked in the dictionary under 'Couch Potato' you would see my picture. It's not that I was lazy, but I was always in so much pain. In the mid 90's I had an accident and torn my ACL and LCL which left me with nerve damage to parts of my left leg, foot and 3 middle toes.  Fortunately at that time I was a an excellent weight (I used to run), so I did manage to keep my weight down for a number of years. Oh yeah, I was told there was no surgery that would help me so I was in a cast for 3 months, then a full brace from hip to bottom of my foot for a number of years.

Jump to 2000, I was living in Maryland with my 3 children when a nurse friend of mine introduced me to a surgeon who specialized in Sports Medicine. Well she reviewed my case, I had several surgeries which helped considerably. But then a customer service job at night, rich foods added some extra weight. I go remarried  in 2008 at my highest weight of 274 lbs. I carried it well, cause no one knew, but I was so embarrassed and miserable! Well, in Sept. 2008 my Orthopedic diagnosed me with Osteoarthritis in that ole left knee. The cartilage was gone, I' walking bone-on-bone, but still managing to do my daily activities and keep up my home. But what must my new husband think?!! Well he was and still is a sweetheart! He had been very supportive then and when I made the decision to have the surgery. He has even supported my 'Retail Therapy'! So now, that I am 272lbs from 318 lbs I feel great, leg still hurts at times, but much, much better! I give glory to God and thank my doctor, Dr. Miguel Siva of the Bronx for doing a fantastic job!  I don't know what size I wear, of course the clothes I have vary in size, but I do know that a lot of inches are missing me, but I'm not missing them! So I will update in about 2 months. I'm off to North Carolina to await the arrival of my second granddaughter, Zoie!  Now I can enjoy my 18 month old granddaughter even more! Yippee!!!

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Jun 06, 2010
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