I Am An Overcomer!

Oct 20, 2010

Boy I never realized how much FOOD had interfered in my life. While visiting with family in North Carolina from 9/17 thru 10/19,I believed I faced my biggest challenge yet! Most of the food, although delicious was full of sodium, sugar & carbs! I observed women loading their plated with mostly starches and then fixing a "childrens' plate" almost equally filled with those starchy morsels! I was screaming on the inside, "Stop! Look at your child, Look at what your doing!" Instead I sat there looking sad and feeling very low. Yes, I did eat some of the things I should not have, but I didn't beat myself up, I just used stict portion control and drank my water and exercised. While I did lose while there, my focus was not on the weight loss, but on adapting without giving in to the cravings. I are mostly veggies, & a limited amount of meats. My parents, who seemed to be concerned about my getting enought nutrition, tried to get me to eat those 'Southern Comfort Foods' but I AM AN OVERCOMER!

So glad to be back home in my comfort zone!  

A change has come and I see it!

Oct 13, 2010

I have not posted in a while, but I have good news to report. The last time I posted, Sept/10 I was 272, well now I am 252! I have been away from home for approximately one month and just gained a new grandaughter but dropped 20 lbs! God is Good! I am still drinking my protein shakes in the morning exercised at a gym 3-4 times per week and in addition to getting off all of my meds (diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney & liver meds) I have not had to use my cane outside for the last 3 weeks! How good is that! AND things in the intimacy department have changed tremendously for the better! They were good before, but with less weight its gotten better!

A Better Me!

Sep 03, 2010

 I know I'm 1 in thousands of people who have been sleeved, but you can't understand (maybe some of you can) how I feel. I am so elated to have my energy level up. It's like going from 0 to 80! Unbelievable!! I wake up in the morning Thanking God for another day and for bringing me through the procedure. One amazing thing, I don't do the marathon bathroom thing all night anymore; I wake up at about 7/7:30am do some housework, take my shower and head for the gym (3days a week for now). I even spend 1 day with my father-in-law cooking & cleaning for him! You see, if you looked in the dictionary under 'Couch Potato' you would see my picture. It's not that I was lazy, but I was always in so much pain. In the mid 90's I had an accident and torn my ACL and LCL which left me with nerve damage to parts of my left leg, foot and 3 middle toes.  Fortunately at that time I was a an excellent weight (I used to run), so I did manage to keep my weight down for a number of years. Oh yeah, I was told there was no surgery that would help me so I was in a cast for 3 months, then a full brace from hip to bottom of my foot for a number of years.

Jump to 2000, I was living in Maryland with my 3 children when a nurse friend of mine introduced me to a surgeon who specialized in Sports Medicine. Well she reviewed my case, I had several surgeries which helped considerably. But then a customer service job at night, rich foods added some extra weight. I go remarried  in 2008 at my highest weight of 274 lbs. I carried it well, cause no one knew, but I was so embarrassed and miserable! Well, in Sept. 2008 my Orthopedic diagnosed me with Osteoarthritis in that ole left knee. The cartilage was gone, I' walking bone-on-bone, but still managing to do my daily activities and keep up my home. But what must my new husband think?!! Well he was and still is a sweetheart! He had been very supportive then and when I made the decision to have the surgery. He has even supported my 'Retail Therapy'! So now, that I am 272lbs from 318 lbs I feel great, leg still hurts at times, but much, much better! I give glory to God and thank my doctor, Dr. Miguel Siva of the Bronx for doing a fantastic job!  I don't know what size I wear, of course the clothes I have vary in size, but I do know that a lot of inches are missing me, but I'm not missing them! So I will update in about 2 months. I'm off to North Carolina to await the arrival of my second granddaughter, Zoie!  Now I can enjoy my 18 month old granddaughter even more! Yippee!!!
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I've been Sleeved!!!

Jul 19, 2010

 I am now 5 days out! Since my first weigh-in with my doctor until today I have lost a total of 21 lbs (I can't get the tickler straight 8( - oh well). It's been an adventure, but one that will be worth it. I asked the nurses to stop the morphine the evening after my surgery, wasn't having pain, just discomfort. I did have a bad reaction to hospital Diet Jello and the Hospital made Crystal Light. They both seemed too syrupy to me so it made me nausaus. The hot broth felt good! 8). The sugar-free ices help in between the drinking... Well that's all for now! My f/u apt is July 29th! after which I hope to go to purees and see more weight loss!


Jun 10, 2010

 Well now that I have my surgery date, July 7th (Yippee!) I'm day 3 of my high-protein diet to reduce the size of my liver. Didn't know livers were fatty! I'm using the UnJury protein mixes. So far chocolate is my favorite, with the strawberry sorbet I think I need to add some fruit....I need some more recipes. 26 days to go. I am happy to have had this web-site suggested to me. Well, I'm open for anyone else's  experience before and after the sleeve, and also food suggestion cause I still have to cook for my hubby!


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