Frustrated. -No... Furious!

Aug 30, 2011

Frustration is too light of a word to use...

Ok, so I was mistaken in my last post... I said that OHSU received a fax from my PCP on the 18th... I was mistaken.  They received it on the 9th.  Which makes me even more upset.

As I explained, Leigh Ann said that we were waiting on chart notes from my PCP. My health coach, Bev with the insurance company (Who I love! I hope to meet that woman one day! She is awesome and is really an advocate for me getting this surgery.) had called my PCP's office to make sure they faxed my chart notes - that was Wednesday or Thursday last week.

So, today, I called OHSU to just check to see if they had my chart notes. 
The gal that answered the phone said Leigh Ann was at lunch and wouldnt be back for at least 30 minutes, but she could check to see if a fax had been received.  So she's checking and she says "Well... I'm sorry but the last fax we've gotten was August 9th, from what looks like your PCP's office.... with chart notes starting back in Feburary, lab results and.... more chart notes up until July.... were you expecting something else?" 
Wait......... What?   THAT is all the info we've been waiting on! Which is what I thought I had heard earlier this month, but figured I had misunderstood with how Leigh Ann was swearing she didnt have my chart notes from my doctor.  

I expressed my frustration and asked to have Leigh Ann call me back so I can find out what the hold up is.  Then I went to my desk at work and emailed Bev.

Before I knew it, Bev was instant messaging me saying she had talked to the Dr on the review board with the insurance company the day before and everyone in the meeting was shocked that a surgery center wasnt trying to push patients through for approval.  
And she had made a call to someone else to find out what we could do to get this taken care of and was getting ready to call someone else. 

Then a few minutes later she sends me another message saying she had talked to Leigh Ann and she was MAD!  I guess Leigh Ann started to say something about not having my chart notes again and Bev stopped her and said "no, I know for a fact that you've gotten the chart notes faxed to you twice!"  And thats when Leigh Ann went off the handle.  Bev didnt want to tell me all that was said, but Leigh Ann yelled at her and went on to say that she was backlogged and doing the job of 3 people then finally said "FINE! I'll drop everything for YOU and work on it RIGHT NOW, JUST FOR YOU!" then hung up on her.

SO She has been LYING!!  She could be behind, she could be short staffed... thats all fine, but DONT LIE about it!  
Bev said during her meeting with the review board, they all were talking about how I've been ontop of everything since the beginning, making sure I had all my appointments, doing what I needed to do to lose the 5%, getting all the labs done, psych eval, etc., all so I could have surgery by end of summer/early fall.  And now with it being just about September, needing to wait the time for approval from insurance, wait the time to schedule a visit with the surgeon and waiting to schedule surgery..... We could be down to the wire as far as making sure I have surgery before the end of the year.  I've made sure all my deductibles have been met so I dont have to pay much extra for surgery. She's really making this difficult.
I can not afford to have surgery in 2012.

Sigh... lets hope a fire has been lit under Leigh Ann's ass and she gets my insurance company my file so I can get an approval!


About Me
Vancouver, WA
Surgery Date
Sep 21, 2004
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