Like my dog, my side isn`t healing :(

Oct 31, 2014

Very frustrated at my recovery. I saw my surgeon yesterday, had another CAT scan, and was told more rest is the best way to heal. As I said to the Dr. I am very happy that I don’t have to have corrective surgery, but I am disappointed that there isn’t something wrong with me that you can just go in and fix; rest and time are getting very old!

I am still off work. I was scheduled to do 3, 4 hour shifts last week, but was physically only able to do an hour on the first day (Monday) and an hour on the third day (Friday). Under my left ribs and that whole side are just too painful to work through.

I am also starting to really stress about money. I am very grateful for my awesome medical at work, but even my medical has its limits. Three weeks ago I dropped down to 75% salary and in a few weeks I drop down to 50%. Because of my BMI, history of migraines, and the condition of my back, I was not able to qualify for disability insurance on my mortgage or credit cards, so I’m making less, but still paying out the same. If I drop down to 50%, I will have to clean out my savings to get by.

