The slippery slope of falling off the wagon.

Apr 19, 2015

Being honest with ourselves in most situations is never a fun thing, and this is no exception. I am starting to fall off the wagon. It started with a “cheat day” and has now progressed to logging my food only 2-3 days a week and I think that is why my weight loss is slowing down so much.

I spend weekends at a friend’s house and it started with that little lie that we tell ourselves that goes something like this: “I was so good all week that this _____ won’t be so bad, and I’ll go back to my proper eating tomorrow.” Well, then I started to fall off with my journaling and then I started to increase my snacking. I’m still losing weight at about 1-1.5 lbs a week but I am not treating my pouch with respect.

I brought some snacks to my friend’s house and he has set me up with a cupboard in his place. Now, when I want a snack, I have hummus and carrots, yogurt, sugar-free jello cups and the 100 calorie packs of Sun Chips there. When I get munchy, I have safe foods there. I need to stop bringing in trigger foods into my home. I have started saying a mantra when I go to the grocery store (the same one I used when I was saving up for my condo) when I pick up trigger foods; Does this get me closer to my goal? Hopefully not having bad snack available will curb the snacking. Next on the to-do list is to journal better. I start off great and log my breakfast and lunch, but forget in the evening. I may have to do what another member suggested and input all my food for the day in the morning and not stray from that list.

