My story

Jun 13, 2010

 Ok... So you want to know my story, well right now I don't have much of one.  I'm glad that you have some sort of interest in me enough to want to read my profile.

I'm scheduled to have VSG with Dr. Joya on 07/06/10.  It can't come too soon. I have a loving supportive husband that is going down to look after me. I haven't always been this size. I was always that fit trim sporty Air Force gal and then due to complications from having my son allot of bulk and baggage piled on. The fact that I have PCOS does not help things at all. I have been through all the ups and downs of this journey; even went through my insurance and after all the pre-op testing was not guaranteed the surgery. I decide to go with Dr. Joya and I believe I am making the best decision for me and my life. I want the real me to surface again. I want my life back and if this is the tool that will help me get there then lets roll!!!!!

See you later

All the best.


About Me
Fairfax, VA
Mar 22, 2010
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 13
