Unhappy day

Jun 16, 2010

Today has been a difficuly day. I ate fine it was just the events of life that got in my way. If I have another doctor tell me to take out my uterus I am gonna snap!!! I mean what do they think I am just a used car that can replace parts? I am just so tired of people wanting to take the easy way out instead of working at fixing the problem I dont know what to do. I am the one going through all of this not them. I know this doesnt sound weight related but PCOS is much more that just my weight. I hope I can use the sleeve as a tool to atleast get a bit of relief from what I have been going through. until then I will just be patient and try to keep a smile on my face.I am a live so I have a reason to smile even though sometimes it is painful. 


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Fairfax, VA
Mar 22, 2010
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