RieRie's Advice at 4 yrs post-op...

Feb 15, 2010

Tips and Tricks by RieRie

I saw this on RieRie's Blog and thought it looked familiar...
I may know much of this information, but, it is nice to have it all in one place now.
Thank you so much RieRie!!!

These are tips and tricks that work for me. I advise everyone to do as their surgeon and dietician suggest. You should always follow their instructions as best you can. Ask them if you are not sure, as they are the professionals, not me. Good luck in your adventure and I wish everyone the best that you can achieve in your life. Love, Marie

The right portion ... Is about the size of ...
8 ozs of water/ is one cup
3 oz. of meat or poultry / A cassette tape
3 oz. of grilled fish / Your checkbook
½ cup of pasta or rice / An ice cream scoop
1 oz. of cheese / 4 stacked dice
1 cup fresh greens / A tennis ball
1 oz. of pretzels or other snack foods / A large handful
1 medium fruit or a small potato / Your computer mouse
1 teasthingy of butter or margarine / A Scrabble tile
1 serving of bread or a roll/ 1 small roll A Yo-Yo
5 crackers is a general a serving.

Some general rules to keep you from sliding backwards----

Protein first--veg second

Use 1 cup size bowls and saucers to control portion sizes.

NO SECONDS! No matter how good it tastes!!!

No drinking with meals.

NO SKIPPIN snacks (another issue I am having, I when I skip my 3 pm snack... I have given mental notes to myself that I can have more later... NO! NO!)

Getting in all my liquids. I still mistake feeling thirsty with feeling hungry. A good drink of water and my 'put something in me' desire goes away!

Don't eat in front of the Tv. Always pay attention to what your eating. Tv is distracting. I perfer to eat by myself too. That way I can tell when I am full with no distractions.

Always drink a whole glass of water a half hour before I eat. It seems to help with the fullness. You probably won't be able to do this early on.

After you get where you can eat raw vegetables, keep: carrots, celery, lettuce, broccoli, califlower, in a container to munch on. I find myself grazing, and when I do, I can munch on the raw vegtables. This is better than grazing on high calorie foods.

I also keep low cal lunch meats and cheeses in the fridge to help with protein intake. Just wrap lunch meat and cheese for a wrap to eat.

I also keep boiled eggs in the refridgerator for a quick protein meal. One medium egg is 7 grams of protein/70 cals.

Anchor hocking has some one cup bowls with lids that are good for portion control. They will hold only a cup. You cannot really fill them with more than that. Otherwise it is too full. If you cannot finish the portion, the lid just snaps back on to eat it later.They are also microwavable.

Buy the four ozs family packs of yogurt instead of the 6 or 8 ozs.  I only allow myself two per day too.

Eat one can of tuna per day for protein.

Eat shrimp- it is good in protein. I like the pre-cooked shrimp. I can keep it frozen and just take out 4 or 5 for a meal.

A great dvd for exercise is Leslie Sansone. You can get them at Walmart. They are inexpensive. You can start off slow with them. I just love these dvd's.

For a variety of exercise I keep: a jump rope, exercise springs, and weights. I have them all in a basket sitting in the corner. If I find I have nothing to do for a few minutes (while cooking or something) I do some exercises with them. I found most of this stuff at yardsales and thrift or consignment centers. I have not had to spend over a dollar per item.

Use www.fitday.com to keep track of what you are eating. It is a good site.

If you find yourself sitting doing nothing. Tap your foot or flex your calf muscle. This is extra movement, and helps burn calories. Like at the docs office, sitting at the computer, or when riding in a car.

When tapping your foot, pick a number and don't let yourself stop until you get there. Same thing with repetitive exercises.

Make yourself do some work before you can eat something. Like: do dishes or vacuum before you can have your snack.

When going somewhere: take a bag full of good foods, and lots of water. So, if you get busy, you have healthy foods to eat and it keeps you from eating at restaurants. (This saves money too!)

At home, I only drink water. I treat myself to some green tea from lipton when I go some where.

I drink a 3 cup glass of water before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I also drink a glass of water before bed. That gets me 96 ozs of water everyday and anything else is extra.

I take water everytime I get in the car. I also keep water bottles in the car, just in case I forget. I also keep single packs of lipton green tea in the car at all times.

I ask for a small plate if we go to restaurants. My husband and I order something we can share. (This saves money too!)

My favorite protein recipe:
1/2 bannana (or choice of fruit)
1/2 c. crystal light orange ( or choice)
4 ozs. yogurt Strawberry (or choice)
5 to 7 ice cubes
one scoop vanilla whey protein
Mix with a blender.
Makes a great smootie- it has around 300 calories and 25-30 grams of protein.
I substitute it for a meal.

For juice in protein drink, use flavors of crystal light. This gives it less calories.

Don't take that last bite no matter how much you think you need it. JUST DON'T DO IT!!!!

Always take small bites- use BABY spoons to get used to taking small bites.

Chew every bite 20 times before swallowing. Not only does the chewing help with digestion, but it exercises your face and neck muscles.

Put a rubberband on your wrist and snap it if you have thoughts of eating something you shouldn't eat.

Find hobbies to keep you busy: go to computer profiles, message groups, crocheting, gardening. Anything that will keep you busy so you don't think about food.

Go for a walk. It is good exercise and keeps you from sitting around the house and wanting to eat. I walk a certain distance, and then I push myself by going too far and then I have to walk back.

Keep all food in cabinets. Our of sight, out of mind. That way when you walk through the kitchen you are not tempted.

Exercise while watching sitcoms at night. I find this is a good time to do pilates.

Exercise right after breakfast, this helps to kick start your metabolism and get it 'burning'.

Always eat something for breakfast to start your metabolism.

Get yourself into a routine of taking your vitamins the same time every day. This makes you less likely to forget them. I take mine every morning at the computer desk- while the computer is booting up.

Go to support groups and/or websites support groups. Helps to keep you motivated and stay on track.

Make a lists of books to read and actually read them. Take a class at the local college.

Give yourself rules regarding food. Pick healthy foods. And pick rules you know you can follow. Adding rules helps you to stay in control, instead of food controlling you.

Reward yourself often. Think about the money you are saving. Buy yourself something every time you reach a goal- get your nails done, save money for a vacation, buy a new subscription to a magazine you want.

Make small goals at a time- "I want to lose five, ten, or twenty pounds". When I reach goal, I am getting a new wardrobe. My aunt has already promised me a trip to the mall. I have never been able to shop at the mall. I am excited over this.

Do not Ever, not Ever, feel guilty about throwing food away. It is better off in the trash can,then around your heart.

Eating dense food makes your pouch feel fuller.

Don't get discouraged. You did not put this weight on in one day, and it won't come off in one day. This will take time, and time is all we have. Anyway, it is time to take care of ourselves and the ones we love. Be Happy!!

Eat to Live, Don't live to eat.

Tell yourself you do eat normal. I can't help it if every one else eats too much. I don't want to be fat ever again!

This lifestyle is forever. I will do whatever it takes. I want to be a healthy weight for once in my life. I now have the rest of my life to take care of me.

Put your utencils down between bites.

If you have a craving for sugar, try sugar-free jello.

Give yourself permission to eat. This helps makes good food choices.
But, ask yourself: "Do I need this for nutrition or am I just wanting to eat"?

ONLY take out the amount of food you can eat. Wrap up everything leftover, and put it away. Never sit bowls of food on the table in front of you while you are eating. This will tempt you to put more on your plate later...NO seconds, remember? 

Don't nibble while preparing your meal.  DON'T do it! Keep a glass of water by you to help with breaking this habit. Drink the water instead.

Plan your meals as much as possible. Know what you are gong to fix for a meal. This makes it easier to make healthy choices.

If you find yourself eating our of control- count to 30 and think about your decision.
Remember: It is a matter of choice- YOUR choices!

Never eat out of the bag,and always measure your food. A handful here and there will add calories fast.

I never eat bread, pastas, rice, or rolls of any kind. I don't need the calories. I also don't eat much cereal. I do eat some mini wheats, occasionally, for fiber.

I love Kashi high protein cereal…it is also good fiber source.
You can also throw a handful of kashi in with your high protein pudding to boost the protein grams and add some fiber.

I alway use real butter, instead of margerine.

Spend all of your grocery money on healthy foods.
Don't allow yourself to buy anything but healthy foods.

On holidays, expecially Halloween, buy the kids other stuff instead of candy- pencils, packs of play-dough, apples, etc. So, there is no 'left over' candy.

Chicken of the Sea Tuna packs are really good in protein.

Refried Beans are also a good protein source, especially early out.


Beans, canned, baked-1/2 cup-123-7
Beans, kidney, canned-1/2 cup-112-8
Beef eye of round-3 oz-143-21
Beef top loin-3 oz-176-21
Cheese, american fat free-1 oz-40-6
Cheese, cottage creamed-1/2 cup-82-14
Cheese, parmesan grated-1/4 cup-128--12
Cheese, mozzarella,part skim-1 oz-78-8
Cheese, part skim riccota-1/4 cup-90-8
Chicken, breast- no skin--3 oz-138-26
Chicken, leg- no skin-3 oz-162-21
Cod, white baked-3 oz-89-21
Crab, steamed-3 oz-82-17
Egg, hard cooked-1-78-6
Flounder-3 oz-62-21
Halibut-3 oz-119-21
Ham, lean, 5% fat-3 oz-133-21
Hamburger, 90% lean-3 oz-169-21
Lobster, steamed-3 oz-77-16
Milk, skim-1 cup-86-8
Milk, skim plus-1 cup-120-11
Peas, chick, canned-1/2 cup-134-7
Pork tenderloin-3 oz-139-21
Pork loin chop-3 oz-172-21
Salmon, baked-3 oz-155-21
Shrimp, steamed-(5 large) 3 oz-84-18
Soybeans (edemami)-1/2 cup-149-14.3
Soy flour, defatted-1/4 cup-81.7-12.8
Soymilk, plain-1 cup-79-6.6
Soynuts-1/4 cup-202-15
Steak, sirloin, trimmed-3 oz-166-26
Swordfish, baked-3 oz-132-21
Tempeh-1/2 cup-165-15.7
Texturized soy protein-1/2 cup-59-11
Tofu-1/2 cup-94-10
Tuna, canned, water packed-3 oz-111-25
Turkey, white meat-3 oz-105-21
Veal loin--3 oz-149-21
Veal leg(top round)-3 oz-128-21
Yogurt(sugar free) frozen,-1/2 cup-80--7
Yogurt Dannon lightn'fit creamy-6 oz-100-8

Great Tips and Tricks...Need to read this monthly to remember my new 'Tool's RULES'...
Thanks again RieRie...

