
Mar 12, 2010

I went to see the nurse practitioner yesterday (3/12/10) to finalize and turn in my file to the insurance company!  Hopefully everything will go through quickly and I can get a date soon.  I can't really say that I'm excited because I've been this weight for so long that I've forgotten what it's like to be able to do normal things.  When my feelings catch up with me I'm sure the nerves will kick in.  My current weight is 395.6 and I would like to lose at least 25 lbs before the surgery.  I've already stopped drinking carbonated drinks and I'm trying to kick the caffeine (coffee) habit.  Once I get a date I'll start to buy all the proteins and vitamins that I'll need after surgery.  The nurse was telling me that because I have somewhat of an apple shape I may need to do a liquid fast for 2 weeks prior to surgery versus just the 1 that is normally observed.  Not looking forward to that!  But we'll see.  I do have some goals that I would like to achieve after the surgery:

1.  Be able to cross my legs (I've never done this)
2.  Be able to shop at any store in the mall
3.  Be able to go places without worrying  about if everyone is focusing on my weight
4.  Be under 200 lbs - 195 would be a good weight for me because I'm 5'7 and big boned

As I think of more I'll add them here.  Once I'm given a date I'll update my blog.


About Me
Feb 25, 2010
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