breasts and update at almost 6 weeks

Jun 29, 2013

my breasts are finally closer in size, the left implant has settled quite a bit but the right is still a bit higher, i am almost 6 weeks this coming monday and am worried about having to have a revision. i will wait to the 6 month mark before i make any final decisions. i read that sometimes the implant won't drop all the way and the capsule that holds it has to be helped a bit :/ i also havethe puffy tummy and i'm almost certain that it is fluid in there, i am going to my doctor monday to see if i can get it checked out, possible aspiration but it isn't so bad that it is effecting my incision i just worry that i may develop scar tissue around the fluid pocket and then i may require another surgery to fix this. when i thought about seromas i envisioned having a ball size pocket that i could easily aspirate myself and this that i have it all down in my lower tummy making me look a little pregnant but it isn't very bad at all. in fact if i find out that it will absorb and be fine i will leave it alone and not even worry about it. My daughter was down last night and has been wanting a breast reduction and lift for some time and her husband has been adamant to tell her NO WAY, well after he was here he has now decided to allow her to get one and i'm very excited for her. she has been so miserable with them for so long and she really needs this. I am paying for her reduction after i am finished with school so she will be going with me when i go get my arms and inner thighs worked on. Right now we don't even know what size her breast are because she always wears sports bras, they are so large while she was in labor they kept her from being able to push my grandbaby into this world, i wear a C or D now after my surgery and implants with Dr. S and i can promise you her breasts are about 5 times larger than mine if that gives you an idea, she has chronic back pain and scoliosis on top of that, this is really going to be a blessing for my baby girl. i worry so much about her having trouble with wounds after her surgery but i will just pray that it will all turn out ok, i know this will be life changing for her to finally have breast that are in a natural position rather than under her arms and touching her belly. i'm just so happy for her right now. I still have the open spot in my butt crack but it is healing slowly but surely and i started my scar treatment a few days ago using my bio oil every time i change my dressings and this evening i started my scar away massaging rollerball thing with gel so i will keep up with my regimen and see how things turn out. my incision around my areola and nipple look amazing, you can't even tell where i was cut very easily and with time it will be non existent. the scar underneath my breast although it is more noticeable, is a thin line and will also be very nice when the redness goes away. I had horrible swelling in weeks 3-4 and thank goodness thatis gone, that was the worse part and the horrible itching, this week has been really good as far as the itching goes, it is much better and i'm no longer being kept awake because of it. I also sleep in my bed now as of this week and my butt flaps from the augmentation really don't bother me that much at all. mostly if i lay on them wrong, i still move slow just to be safe when changing positions and my tummy muscles improve every week, i love my belly button that i have now and when the lower portion of my tummy flattens out it will look amazing.

