slowin down

Aug 13, 2010

Well the weight loss is slowing down for sure now. I think I remember reading that after the first 6 monthes that happens though. I am actually kind of releived ecaue I was getting tired of buyin new clothes every month. I was truely hoping to be under 150 by the end of summer, but I don't see that happening now. What I really don't understand is how I can lose 75 lbs and still feel so faat. I get a lot of positive feed back from people, but I look in the mirror and still look the same to me.I guess being short makes it tougher. I was hoping at my goal weight (135) I would be thin, but now that it is only 30 lbs away I am thinking my goal may need to be closer to 120, but i don't know. What I do know if that the rest of the weight will come off. I haven't exorcised in ages and my eating habits currently are horrible! Ug after I get moved things will be better and the weight will start dropping again. Can I be at goal by my 1 yr anniversary date? Will I lose 100lbs by december? I believe i am still on track to do that so I am going to say yes. I think my WL journey is on vacation right now and once i get back to work things will start moving along. All this flab though is getting on my nerves....but thank God my hair isn't falling out and I feel great! 


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