Progress so far... June 23/13

Jun 24, 2013

Heard from Dr. Duerksen's office today - my endoscscopy biopsy was negative. The results overall are good - I have a slight inflammation of the lower esophagus  which Dr. Duerksen has given me a Rx for. His office faxed the report to the Royal Alex this past Friday so Dr. Karmali should be able to do a chart review in July. I'm off shortly to Edmonton for round 5 of my bariatric appointments - so far so good. Should know in a few weeks when my surgery date is.

Also heard from the Victoria Hospital's Director of Surgery - I will be able to attend the Craving Change workshops here instead of traveling back and forth to Edmonton for them. Any feedback on the Craving Change workshops here in Winnipeg are most  welcome.

I had plateaued a bit on the weight loss since the end of March but am now losing again. I've increased my activity level - swimming in the early AM at the Y and lifting weights at home. Trying to the recumbent bike at the Y too not just once a week during physio. More walking as well but today my right knee and hip are hurtin' after mowing the lawn.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 16, 2013
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