Flashback Friday Devotion #55 [Making better choices]

Jun 17, 2010

Hi, Everyone.
Sunday is Father's Day. If your father is still with you, be sure to contact him and honor him, not because he deserves it but because of the verse that says, "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long on the earth."
Have a great weekend. Lord willing, the Life Plan Devotion will be posted on Monday.

Flashback Friday Devotion #55 [Making better choices] 

Today's devotion is from my personal journal dated June 2, 2007. 

     I had the opportunity today to eat a BIG ice cream sundae. I'm talking the works:  vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, nuts, whipped cream, and a cherry!
     Then I got "the nudge." No, I'm not talking about my dear husband nudging me to get him a sundae, too. I'm talking about the Holy Spirit nudge. This was our "conversation."
     Holy Spirit: "Are you sure you want to eat that?"
     Mary: "Oh, I'm sure I want to eat that."
     Holy Spirit: "Are you absolutely sure you want to eat that?"
     Mary: "With all due respect, Your Word says that 'every creation of God is good, and nothing to 
     be rejected if it is received with gratitude' (I Timothy 4:4), and I plan to be grateful for this 
     Holy Spirit: "Maybe you should reconsider."
     Mary: "Again, with all due respect [can you tell I really wanted to eat the sundae?], Your Word
     says that 'all things are permissible for me' (I Corinthians 6:12), so I can eat this sundae. 
     Holy Spirit: "Yes, but what is the rest of that verse?"
     Mary: "'...but not all things are profitable.'  Oh..."
     Holy Spirit: "You must decide if this sundae is 'profitable' for you."
     Mary: "I get it."
     Needless to say, I did not eat the sundae. In thinking about it, I realized that I never feel good after I eat ice cream, and the more "extras" it has with it, the worse I feel.
     It is true that I can eat anything I want, if I eat it with thanksgiving and discipline, but if it's not a "helpful" food, then I need to choose not to eat it. I guess it's about knowing my body AND being honest with God and myself.

Today, think about how your relationship with God helps you to make better, more "profitable" eating choices. Allow that to lead you, as it did for me, to thinking about how much the Lord has helped you, changed your life, from salvation on. 
Watch this dramatization of the song Alabaster Boxhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxZ8KFShN3M&feature=related

