Life Plan Devotion Announcement

Jul 05, 2010

Hi, Everyone.
I hope you had a great 4th of July, celebrating this great nation and our freedoms, and that you prayed for our country and leadership. 
Speaking of prayer, please post your prayer requests here. My husband is home from work, and while he's a dear man, he's this writer's greatest distraction, so I've given up trying to write today's devotion. 
If I had realized last night that he has today off work, I would have stayed up late, to try to write. I apologize to anyone who is disappointed to see no devotion posted today. Feel free to visit my Profile Blog, and read a previous devotion. You might just see something "new." :)
Along with posting your prayer request, please pray for those having surgery today, as well as those recovering from surgery. 
I look forward to posting the next Life Plan Devotion tomorrow, as we continue in the Abiding in Christ series.

