August = positive changes

Aug 30, 2014

Ok so remember how slow things were going?? from the months of feb-july i only lost like 13lbs. which i am proud of. i worked really hard to lose them. but its very frustrating to be dieting and exercising hard 6 days a week and not losing. i kept losing and gaining and losing the same lbs over and over. i began having health issues. severe fatigue, depression, anxiety, irregular periods, sleep apnea came back. it became hard to function. i was really worried. during this time my workouts all but stopped completely because i had no energy. and when august came i decided, since i wasn't working out i didn't need all the calories and carbs i was eating. so i went back to low carb. after suggestions from  friends and looking it up online i was convinced i was suffering from hypothyroidism. when i FINALLY got my bloodwork done it turns out my thyroid was fine but all the carbs i had reintroduced to my diet (on advice from fitness people) had over time taken its toll and re-activated my PCOS/insulin resistance. so all those symptoms were PCOS related and i never even thought of that. because i haven't dealt with PCOS in 4 yrs! i was shocked. but also relieved. better the beast you know and have battled before than the beast you don't know. and thyroid diseases are very very serious. 


doc told me low carb needs to be the norm for me, always. and now i know. so if any fitness ppl try to tell me otherwise i can say, hey you're not a doctor, you don't know my situation, for me i HAVE to be low carb. which i have no problem with. i did it for a long time and its my comfort zone. doc said, well since you already went back to low carb you're doing well. just keep at it and take this low dose metformin and that should help. now as august is ending, i feel like my old self again. what a wonderful feeling and i am so very grateful. no more fatigue, i have energy to take my son to the park again. no more moodswings. i'm just happier now. i can handle life once again. very grateful.


not only that but in this month alone i've lost 4lbs and an inch and a half off my waist. i'm still not working out like i used to. i'm working on getting into ketosis and although i have energy to get through the day i'm not quite back at exhausting myself with workouts, also i just haven't had the time now that my son sleeps less! yikes! but i have been waaaay more active in general. i hardly sit down at all during the day. and i think thats pretty good. i do try to hit the weights once a week on saturdays when my husband can watch my son. i am currently 182.5lbs and getting closer to my pre-pregnancy weight of 173lbs. i'm excited to get there and excited to go beyond. 


my plan is to have my panni removed early next year and then continue with my weightloss and start trying to baby number 2. with my newfound healthy habits and my drive this next pregnancy will be very different from the first.


About Me
Miami, FL
Surgery Date
Jun 17, 2010
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