A new journey

May 31, 2010

The journey has begun. I went to my bariatric info session on Friday, May 28th, 2010. I learned a lot of valuable information while I was there. I am waiting to hear back about my class dates and times. With my insurance company, I have to have been part of a weight loss program for at least 6 months,  go to 3 months of classes, a series of doctor visits, a seminar, join a support group ( strongly encouraged, not mandatory) and try to loose 10% of my weight. (27#'s)
As of 05/28/2010, I weighed 270#'s, and have a BMI of 44.9
I joined weight watchers for the second time in May of 2009. I have only lost 17 pounds and have gained 15 of it back. I can't seem to stick with the daily tracking. I lose a lot of weight in the beginning, then nothing for months. I find it very discouraging. As of this posting, I have not attended a meeting in 6 weeks. I will be going again on Saturday.
I am unsure of which surgery I will have, but so far, I am leaning towords the "roux-en-y". I thought I wanted the "lap-band", but the more I read about and hear about it, the less likely it sounds to be a good choice for me.


About Me
Hesperia, CA
May 31, 2010
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