A new beginning...

Dec 29, 2009

Hi everyone.

I am so glad I found this site. I'm enjoying reading the posts, getting information and following people's stories through their own WLS journeys.

Like many others on here, I was overweight throughout most of my life. I was able to lose a few times, but it all came back and more. I'm 33yrs old and I'm tired of being 'fat'. I enjoy being active and playing sports. My favorite thing is to play hockey, but that is getting increasingly hard as the weight interferes. I am also starting to have some health problems due to the weight, as well as depression.

I don't want to be the one who says "I wish I did this years ago" and I want to enjoy my life as much as I can. So my decision to have the Lap Band is a step towards a new beginning. I want to be a happier and healthier me!!!

My surgery is scheduled for Jan 20th and I can't wait!! Although I am a little apprehensive and nervous for the whole adventure. The banding itself is not a worry as I've had similar procedures (laproscopy), but just the fact that I want this to work and there's always that fear that it won't or that I will have complications with the band itself (I think I may have read a few too many posts from those who regret their banding). I am not looking forward to the food that I will have to leave behind (mostly pop and breads) but I know deep down that it is something that will just have to go! The outcome will be much more rewarding than that one donut or can of coke.

I never thought I would be so excited about something that costs soo much $$$, involves 2wks of low calorie shakes, followed by many more weeks of mushy food and determination. But I can't wait!!! I can't wait to fit into something without an X on the tag, to sit in a movie seat comfortably, to wear a bathing suit without feeling self-concious (or any article of clothing for that matter), to be able to play hockey without coughing up a lung or two, to have thighs that don't come into contact with each other at all times. The next time I gain weight, I want it to be because there is a baby growing inside my happy, healthy (and sexy) body!! LOL.

Thanks to everyone for allowing others to learn from and follow your own personal weight loss journeys. I know I will make many friends on here and hope that I can be an inspiration to even just one other in the future.



About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 12, 2009
Member Since

Friends 26

Latest Blog 6
