hockey yet.

Jan 29, 2010

I had wanted to get back into hockey this week as I am feeling pretty good a week and a half from surgery. And thankfully the gas pains have pretty much subsided and seem to be only a night time problem now. Although I'm not too sure why.

I spoke to one of the nurses from the surgical clinic about playing and if it would be harmful to my healing. Unfortunately she thought it was a bad idea this early. Infact she said up to 4 wks off! Not sure that I can stay off the ice that long, but I will hold off for now. I understand her reasonings, and one of them (that I hadn't thought of) was due to the amount of bacteria just on the equipment alone. Despite my incisions being pretty much closed over, there is still a risk of them getting infected and I agree that wouldn't be too good right now. A little dissapointing, but understandable. I haven't had much exersize yet as it has been extremely cold outside, so I've been itching to get moving.

I have been feeling more hungry today than before. Still keeping to the purees for now, but I'm worried that the weeks to come will be hard to keep the weight down. I'm going to try and not focus on the scale and just look at healthier eating options. Luckily, most of the foods I have been craving lately (after weeks of shakes and liquids) have been the healthier options like salad, and chicken. Although the other day it was a hot dog??? I know breads are going to be the real barrier with me. I have managed to go cold turkey off the pop and I plan on not even going there. But the breads are a real love for me.

I ordered a product called "Laptop Lunches" which is a simple plasctic lunchbox with small inner containers for your meals. I am looking forward to using it as a tool to keep my portions down and spice things up with different varieties of foods. Google it, it's pretty neat. Developed for kids to help with healthier, litter free lunches.

Looking to increase my level of exercise in the next few days, as well as my liquid intake. I'm used to drinking with my meals but I'm managing to remember to wait until 30min after. But I still need to get much more in.



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Dec 12, 2009
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