On my mind these days ...

Dec 15, 2011

Ok so things I've been wondering as I surf the site:

1.  What is UP with all these postop divorces?!?!  Are people just in crappy marriages and the weight loss gives them the "oomph" to leave, or are they just getting snooty and abandoning the spouses that loved them when they were still fat? 

Years ago I was a welfare caseworker in West Virginia.  I had a client who ended up divorced after her WLS - why?  Her husband wasn't attracted to her anymore.  At the time I thought to myself "oh, the irony!  Surely there is a God!"  I think overall though that was a BS reason to get divorced.  Attraction waxes and wanes.  You don't break up your kids' home over stupid stuff like that.  

2.  I look at the before and after pics and I'm in awe ... yet most of them are YEARS old!  I'll go to the person's profile and they haven't logged in since like 2003.  What's up with that?  And why aren't people who are recently postop posting their pics?  

3. What is the difference between those who keep the weight off postop and those who gain it back?  Are the ones who gain it back simply not exercising and eating junk or is there more to it than that?  What can I start doing now, several months preop, to ensure that I'm one of the ones who keeps it off?

I'm going to start seeing a therapist soon ... mostly to deal with my grief from losing my mom, but I figure I may as well deal with everything else while I'm at it.  I don't think all fat people are fat because they're screwed up in the head but I've definitely got some issues.  

Whatever makes me eat too much, I want it gone.  Damned if I know WHAT it is, though, considering I was literally born fat.  9 1/2 lbs at birth and 30 lbs by 6 months.  I have never, ever, EVER been normal.  I've never gone 1 day feeling comfortable in my own skin and unashamed of my looks.  

I can't really even fathom what that would be like.


About Me
Zebulon, NC
Surgery Date
Dec 10, 2010
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