Will I still be ignored after surgery?

May 07, 2012

There is something I need to get off my chest. 

I don't know if this is an issue because I"m fat, or because I'm me, or maybe it's not even an issue at all and I'm just imagining things ...

but ...

I am really, really tired of not being heard.

I very rarely interrupt people because I think it's extremely rude.  Yet I get interrupted constantly.  People around me yak yak yak and I can't get a word in edgewise.  If they're not blatantly interrupting me, they're carrying on a conversation as if I'm not in the room. 

My uncle, for example.  I love him dearly but when he calls it's 20 minutes of listening to him talk.  I can't finish a sentence. There are things I'd like to talk about but he's too busy rambling.  

I feel ignored at work as well.  I'll say something and it feels as if most of the time it's not heard (and I am *not* soft spoken so it's not a vocal volume thing).

I don't have any delusions that having this surgery is going to completely change my life and take away all my problems.  I'll still be the same person.  People around me will be the same. 

Will losing weight make me more assertive, though?  Will I get to the point where I'm like "screw it" and I start interrupting people .... or will people actually start thinking I have something worthwhile to say?

I hope this doesn't sound like a pity party, I don't mean for it to be.  

I don't need the world to hang on my every word.  And not *everyone* around me does this, but it's enough lately that I'm really getting frustrated. 

I wish I could get some feedback on this, but nobody's reading it anyway.



About Me
Zebulon, NC
Surgery Date
Dec 10, 2010
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