1 year later ...

Jun 18, 2013

I weighed about 330 lbs the day of my surgery on 06/12/12.  On my anniversary the scales said 199.4.

I'm amazed at how little has changed, really.  Yes, I look better.  I definitely enjoy clothes shopping more.

People really don't treat me any differently that I can tell.  The only thing I've noticed is they seem to look at me longer -- not way longer, probably just milliseconds, but they do SEE me more than they seemed to before.  Men don't hit on me as much, though, unless I'm completely oblivious to it.  My coworkers do compliment me a lot but looking back they treat me the same as they did before.  They've been some of my biggest cheerleaders. 

I'm not BURSTING with the energy people said I would have, but I do feel better physically.  I would advise anyone doing this to start working out before surgery and don't stop!  I can tell I've lost muscle mass and I've GOT to start walking and trying to put on some muscle! 

I lost my granny on 04/19/13, she was 94 years old.  I went to see her in March (she hadn't seen me since before surgery) and she knew exactly who I was, told me my butt looked funny.  I'm glad she got to see me thinner before she went on home, though.  I know my mom can see from Heaven, but I still wish she'd lived long enough to watch me go through this journey.

My goal is to get down to 145 -- not because I want to stay there, though.  They say everyone gains 20 lbs eventually so I figure if I lose to 145 and gain 20 I'll be at 165, which is exactly where I've wanted to be all along.  I have no desire to be skinny.

No skin problems except, naked, I look like a Shar-Pei.  My thighs are very .... hangy.  No skin infections, though.  No complications whatsoever other than some HORRIBLE fatigue the first 3 months that turned out to be caused by my body trying to fight off a tooth infection.  I've lost 2 cup sizes in my boobs -- I'm now a C cup, however I still look proportionate which is nice. 

What I can tolerate, food wise, is hit and miss.  I still eat some things with sugar in them, but sugar just doesn't have the appeal that it used to.  I can handle hamburger, but can't eat a whole hamburger.  I haven't tried steak, I'm scared to because I had a very bad experience with pot roast.  Throwing up is VERY different postop -- it's harder, I guess because your stomach muscles are altered and they can't help you do it like they could preop. 

I'm very good about my vitamins and calcium.  I haven't woke up gasping in my sleep in months although my husband says I do still snore some. 



About Me
Zebulon, NC
Surgery Date
Dec 10, 2010
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