I wonder...

May 10, 2010

I wonder what my thoughts will be a year from now? Now it is impatience.  My thoughts are consumed with surgery.  I can not help but wonder how my journey will be.

I wonder, what size will I be?  I am an 18 now.  I grow yearly like I am adolescence, consistently 10 ponds. I wish I was still growing up and not out.  

I wonder, what I will eat? I am usually pretty good until dinner.  Then I shove what ever is convenient.  

I wonder, will I have extra skin?  It’s better than extra fat.  

I wonder, will I become vein?  I care about my appearance now, but with a smaller me, will I go overboard? I prayer that I am a living testimony, not full of vanity.  

I wonder, will my shopping addiction become worst? Now that I am not spending so much money on food, will I now start spending more money on clothes?  I am trying to learn from others experience and not spend so much money on clothes during the weight loss process.  Will I require fewer clothes because everything fits better? I need to get this under control.  

I wonder if my shoe size will change
?  I hope not!!! I love my shoes but would love an excuse to replenish. Good thing purses are not impacted by your size?  

I wonder how my husband will adjust to the smaller me? He has known me when I was thin and watch me grow to be over fifty pounds heavier than he.  Lord please allow us to adjust un-scathed. I thank God for a secure God fearing man.    

I wonder what things will be new?  Will I become a gym rat?  Will I cut my hair?, Will I decide I need additional surgeries?  Will dormant parts of my personality manifest?  

What I do know is I see my future and I look and feel better than I do today!!!

