Exercise, even a little helps!!!

Jul 20, 2010

I just completed my 3rd week post-op and I am down another 4.4 pounds.  That's right, I am 220!!!

This is great, all added was 30 minutes on the treadmill daily at 2.8 speed and 4.5 incline.  I am going to increase the pace to 3 this week.  My goal is to start the C25K starting week 5.  Just to think, a few weeks ago I was winded and felt like my calves were going to burst walking to the end of the platform to catch a train.  Just little changes make the difference.

Before surgery, I was busting out of my size 18 church suits.  Actually, I could not wear them.  I struggled each week to find something appropriate to wear and that was not only comfortable, but did not make me look like an over stuffed sausage.  This week, I went to  my closet and could not only fit the 18's but also the 16's!!!  All of my size 18 pants are very loose in the waist.  I need to fold them over to wear.  I can fit XL at Target instead of XXL. 

I no longer have edema in my lower extremities.  When I bend down to buckle my shoes, I don't feel my stomach.  I can wear hills all day.  I have room to buckle sandals, and not the first buckle.  I feel comfortable wearing short sleeve shirts. My bras are too loose on the first snaps.  I can lie down on the train or elevate my feet on the seat with out them going numb.  I can walk again with my husband and not need to stop every block because I am tired or my legs hurt.  

I have control over what I put in my mouth. I eat because I need the nutrition for energy.   I do not eat just because it looks good. I do not eat because I am happy, sad, bored, or just because it is there.  I make choices based on what I need, not what looks or smells good.  

I have made adjustments and I am not missing a thing. 

-          Drinks: I used to drink pitchers of Kool-aid with pineapple juice a week, or glasses of OJ daily, cans of Pespi that I needed each meal in order to assist with digestion because I over ate, a daily trip to Chick-fil-a for a Chicken biscuit  and large sweet tea and lemonade mixed.  Now I have water or Crystal light. I enjoy the fruit punch flavor (substitute for Kool-aid) or pink lemonade (substitute for sweet tea and lemonade mixed).

-          Breakfast: I used to go to Chick-fil-a every morning or get pancakes with eggs and bacon or a plate full of rice and eggs with cheese and bacon.  Now I enjoy 2-3 oz of oatmeal and water or 2-4 oz of cottage cheese, or a half of a smoothie.  I have always enjoyed going to Cracker Barrel with my family.  It is the one place we all can find something we like.  Breakfast is my favorite meal mostly because of pancakes w/syrup. I went to breakfast with my husband Saturday. I would usually order chicken fried steak with biscuits w/ syrup, eggs, grits, and hash brown casserole.  To top it off, I would have 3 Arnold Palmers. This time I had 2 oz of grits mixed with and edge of turkey sausage and a half of teaspoon of eggs.  I mashed the egg and sausage until it was the same consistency as the grits.  I ate 2/3 and was satisfied.

These are only examples of changes, and I am more than satisfied. 

I love my sleeve!!!

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