It's over...

Nov 14, 2010

Well here I am still at about 155. 152 to be exact. So I guess this is it for me, I have not gained or lost in so many months, so now I am at maintenance stage. This is it.

Truthfully, over the last 10 months or so, I have NOT used protein, vitamins or anything as a supplement. I was supposed to of course. I am starting to wonder if I sabotaged myself to this stop in loss. I wanted to lose another 25 pounds.

I have just started to take protein and vitamins again, so I will see if my loss starts up again with this. I will update soon if anything changes. 

PS I have always eaten whatever I want since surgery, never counted anything or tried in any way.  I eat pretty well but admit it is sometimes the wrong stuff, well ok,. often the wrong stuff.  White bread with butter,  just not a lot obviously. I can handle half a baloney and cheese on a kaiser at a time for example.  One small slice of pizza. One beef tenderloin medallion. A bowl of stew. A bit more that at first that's for sure, but not gaining weight at all.

Oh, I hope next time I write, there will be a difference.   Bye for now.

