Two Weeks Out

Jan 25, 2011

Well today makes Two Weeks, Wow

I had my follow up yesterday with Dr Garcia and the Nutritionist.

Incisions heaing really well and am down 19.7-lbs since "consult" date.  I must have gained a little after that because in Mid Dec I was 242 and am now 219 - which by my calcuations is 25-lbs down.  I'll take either 19 or 25 - its a loss and haven't had that in a long time.

The Nutritionist said I can start real food (slowly) and was surprised to hear I was still pretty much liquids, but I swear thats what I was told when I left the hospital - liquids till follow up appt.

No mor appointments for 3 months ... wooo hooo!!

Feeling really good, working on getting in enough protein and water.  Been walking at West Acres and just bought an excercise bike yesterday!!

Ready for 2011!!


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Pierre, SD
Jul 28, 2010
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