What a journey!

Mar 17, 2012

It hasn't even been 2 years (it will be two years May 2012).I am in a size 12 now. My weight has stablized to between 174-180 depending on the time of month! I have been weight stable for almost a year now! I am floored that it feels like such a long time ago! I have to work at thinking about what it felt like to be fat!  I feel SO GREAT in my new body. I am finally to the point where I can look at myself in the mirror and like what I see. (it was such a strange feeling to not recognize myself in the mirror for several weeks about a year ago!) But I've worked through it!

Nowadays...I'm focused on my working out and I worry about my muscle mass. I have not been diligent in working out the past two years. It's only been in the past 3 months were I have started to workout daily! And now I'm afraid I'm over training and not making progress... But we'll see... I'm so thankful for the forum boards to come back to! No one understands my journey like the people on this board! I don't know you, but I so value this website and the people who post on the forums! You help me stay strong, when I feel I'm botching my surgery!

So far, I have not regained any weight, although I CAN eat anything I want. I'm scared that I have stretched out my stomach as I can sometimes eat most of a 6 inch subway club! I have not finished the whole thing ever, but sometimes it's too close for comfort.

Last week I start adding triathlon workouts, in hopes to someday be in shape in each area, so that I can participate in a sprint trathlon. I get discouraged that I still can't run without stopping. But hopefully now that I'm more consistent with my training, that will improve!

If you haven't had surgery yet!! Get it..It's the best thing I ever did for myself... and if you have already had it.... drop me a note and let me know how you learned to run or how hard you push in your workouts!! Thanks:) Live Long and THRIVE!!!!


About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 08, 2009
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