What a journey!

Mar 17, 2012

It hasn't even been 2 years (it will be two years May 2012).I am in a size 12 now. My weight has stablized to between 174-180 depending on the time of month! I have been weight stable for almost a year now! I am floored that it feels like such a long time ago! I have to work at thinking about what it felt like to be fat!  I feel SO GREAT in my new body. I am finally to the point where I can look at myself in the mirror and like what I see. (it was such a strange feeling to not recognize myself in the mirror for several weeks about a year ago!) But I've worked through it!

Nowadays...I'm focused on my working out and I worry about my muscle mass. I have not been diligent in working out the past two years. It's only been in the past 3 months were I have started to workout daily! And now I'm afraid I'm over training and not making progress... But we'll see... I'm so thankful for the forum boards to come back to! No one understands my journey like the people on this board! I don't know you, but I so value this website and the people who post on the forums! You help me stay strong, when I feel I'm botching my surgery!

So far, I have not regained any weight, although I CAN eat anything I want. I'm scared that I have stretched out my stomach as I can sometimes eat most of a 6 inch subway club! I have not finished the whole thing ever, but sometimes it's too close for comfort.

Last week I start adding triathlon workouts, in hopes to someday be in shape in each area, so that I can participate in a sprint trathlon. I get discouraged that I still can't run without stopping. But hopefully now that I'm more consistent with my training, that will improve!

If you haven't had surgery yet!! Get it..It's the best thing I ever did for myself... and if you have already had it.... drop me a note and let me know how you learned to run or how hard you push in your workouts!! Thanks:) Live Long and THRIVE!!!!


Wow..... It's been awhile.

Oct 21, 2010

Wow...It's been awhile since I have been on here.. I will have to post some pics.. I finally had my surgery May 2010. It has been relative smooth... It's been such a journey, hoping and praying this will work, trying to do everything right. I started out at 300lbs, as of today, I am down to 220 lbs! (I finally fit in to a size 18 which I haven't done since High School). I also ran around the block for the first time this week...  Cheers to hanging in through insurance hell, to get to the promise land!!!! Thank You LORD JESUS!!!!


Sep 25, 2009

So I've talked with my PCP who is supportive, I've talked with insurance who won't waive the 6 month supervised diet. This past week, I did my sleep study, which went terrible, I didn't hardly sleep at all, and the tech said I wasn't asleep long enough for him to put the Cpap mask on me. So who knows what the results will be!

I have a friend that is dragging me to the gym today, and I'm going to sign up (yet again) for a gym membership. I find myself so anxious about getting surgery. I want it so badly, and I want to hope that everything is going to go smoothly! I have to just wait it out. There is no battle to fight right now, I just need to play by their rules and wait it out! But if in 6months they don't approve me for surgery..... something that smells bad is going to hit the fan! I NEED to feel good! I can't live like this anymore! I want to see my after picture. I want to know what I really look like! My friends who have already had surgery, are  so supportive and encouraging. Anyone know how to make the next 6 months fly by??? At least there are lots of holiday distractions right?


Sep 14, 2009

Today I met with my PCP Dr and my therapist, and both of them ok'd the WLS!!! I'm so super exicted. Of course, now the 6 month rule starts. But... At least I'm now in the process, and one step closer to getting surgery!!! :)


Has anyone been able to get around the 6 month required Dr diet

Sep 11, 2009

I am seeing my PCP on Monday. I understand from the surgery program coordinator, that I have to have 6 visit hx of monthly documentation of BMI and weight, and diet progress, before I can get insurance qualification. My MD followed me monthly 4 yrs ago, but not recently. The past year, I've been in counseling and I bought an eliptical so I don't have gym records. I was in personal training 4 days a week for 1 1/2 years, but that was 2 1/2 years ago... I'm trying to get those records. I called my insurance and they said the MD has to confirm 6-12 months of medically followed diet. I wanted to get my surgery before the end of the year so that my insurance deductibles won't go up as I understand they will in Jan. Any ideas...anyone? Thanks...    


1st post....

Sep 08, 2009

Hi... I can't believe I'm on here.  I've thought about gastric bypass for 4yrs, this past two weeks, I made the decision to look into it. I scared... I'm hopeful...and more scared.... I guess I'm struggling with the fact that if I do this, it's permenant. There is no going back. What if I'm one of the ones who fail. I mean, it's still a diet! What makes this different than everything else I tried, lost weight and gained it all back. I've done it so many times... It seems like everyone I talk to who is loving the surgery is less that 5yrs out. What happens after you lose the weight and are still having to control your portions and worrying about your stomach stretching. I don't think I could handle failing at this. What if I'm not strong enough, patient enough..... I don't think I have an option, but I'm scared. I hate doctors, I've been to several nutrionist over the past 10 yrs, I think they are all full of crap. I don't do well in support group..... is there any hope?

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Surgery Date
Sep 08, 2009
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