90 days PO today! Nut increase Carbs to 100 OMGosh!

Aug 30, 2012

It's hard to believe 90 days has come and gone since my WLS, truthfully I expected to be well under 200lbs by now, I am almost there, weighed in this morning at 203lbs. I feel somewhat disappointed even tho my doctor and nut say I am doing great and I am on track. I've only lost 37 lbs since WLS but overall 68 lbs from highest weight. My hair is falling out by the handfuls and knowing this is a possibility doesn't help the wave of depression that comes over me when I brush my hair and get handfuls everyday... I'll be balded within a month if this keeps up! My nut has advised me to increase my calories to 1000, protein to 100 gm and Carbs to 100 gm.. doing this, I am not sure if I will lose any wt. that seems high to me. 
I've been losing about 1.5 to 2lbs per week after 30 day PO period when I lost the most. My calorie intake up until now has been between 600-800 cal, 75 protein and 50-70 carbs. Not sure how increasing will effect my wt lose I really think at least the carbs are too high... any thoughts I would love to hear them. 

I am swimming, walking and just bought a beach cruiser bike and love it. Good thing is I can do this stuff now, I am excited about this and it makes me very happy to be active again. 

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