Stuck at current Wt Webstyles Meeting w/ fellow WLS peeps HELP?

Jul 09, 2013

Webstyles meetings if you are not familar or with Kaiser is where a group of post and pre-op patience meet and discuss their personal journey through out the process of WLS. Kaiser requires you attend 3 of these meetings Pre-op and recommend going after your surgery as well. I've been bad and have not gone to any Post-op until last Saturday I went and enjoyed it so much I will probably go again soon. It's been over a year since I had my surgery and I am still not at my personal goal wt. I've met my doctors goal wt for me but I would like to lost another 25 to 30 lbs and it been really hard. I've been stuck at my current wt for about 4 months.  I am not sure why but any advise you can lend would be appreciated. I mean I know I need to exercise more perhaps decrease my calories but I am finding it very difficult to do those things more then I am doing already that is...I was hoping the class would motivate me and it did but not sure what I should be doing that I am not doing. Anyone else have this problem?


One Year and 102 lbs down

May 31, 2013

I am happy with my results could it be more... sure! I was really hoping to reach my goal in the first year. The last 3 months have been crazy and my WL is almost nothing. I am not one to make up excuses I have been bad and the results are clear. I am still trying not to go over 1000 to 1200 calories a day and I question that is too much to keep me losing wt.. I clearly need to consult my nut. make note to self to call on Monday. I also need to come to OH everyday and record my food here. Get back to basics. 

My new goal 5 lbs per month next 6 months that will get me to my goal. 


Century Mark in Sight! YEAH!!!

Feb 12, 2013

It's so hard to believe but I am almost at the Century mark, I've lost 95 lbs from my heaviest wt. It's been such a long journey. I am losing very slowly so lots of depressing scale moments. I just keep plugging along though and try to keep my eye and mind focused on my goal wt. I have 41 lbs to go and I will get there. Having OH has been a god send because I may not write on my blog as much as I should I do come here daily to log my food and get inspiration so thank you all for your post, advise and pictures boy do those pictures help me. So here's to all of us on this WL journey, keep up the great work and keep on keeping on! 


89 lbs Down My goal is insight!

Jan 02, 2013

I can't believe how long it's been since I have written on the OH blog. A lot has happened to me and I am feeling great! The holiday's were a challenge so I am very glad they are over and it's a new year. This will be the year I reach my goal. I am hoping to reach my goal by my one year WLS anniversary 5/30.  I am wearing a size 12 and I fit into a 10 but they are just a little to tight. I am excited about my body image. I haven't been this wt. since I was in my twenties before I had my son. I am now 55! I only wish I would have done this WLS sooner ... younger! I've been fat far to long. I have had NO problems or complications. Knock, Knock on wood! But so far so good. 


90 days PO today! Nut increase Carbs to 100 OMGosh!

Aug 30, 2012

It's hard to believe 90 days has come and gone since my WLS, truthfully I expected to be well under 200lbs by now, I am almost there, weighed in this morning at 203lbs. I feel somewhat disappointed even tho my doctor and nut say I am doing great and I am on track. I've only lost 37 lbs since WLS but overall 68 lbs from highest weight. My hair is falling out by the handfuls and knowing this is a possibility doesn't help the wave of depression that comes over me when I brush my hair and get handfuls everyday... I'll be balded within a month if this keeps up! My nut has advised me to increase my calories to 1000, protein to 100 gm and Carbs to 100 gm.. doing this, I am not sure if I will lose any wt. that seems high to me. 
I've been losing about 1.5 to 2lbs per week after 30 day PO period when I lost the most. My calorie intake up until now has been between 600-800 cal, 75 protein and 50-70 carbs. Not sure how increasing will effect my wt lose I really think at least the carbs are too high... any thoughts I would love to hear them. 

I am swimming, walking and just bought a beach cruiser bike and love it. Good thing is I can do this stuff now, I am excited about this and it makes me very happy to be active again. 

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63 Days PO My Sleeve is Magic

Aug 03, 2012

I haven't lost as much wt. as I dreamed I would by this time but I feel like I've been successful in what I have accomplished. I've lost 30 lbs since my surgery on 5/30/12 I am ok with those numbers. I am close to onederland and can't wait to be there, it's my personal first goal. Today I fit into a size 16 pants...this down from sz 24 just 63 days ago, jeans that actually zip/button can you believe it, what a mile stone. NO more draw string or elastic pants. I packed up all my big girl clothes and my closet is bare. I had a hard time packing up all those clothes as some are flavorites, silly but true. I decide to keep one pair of pants and one of my flavorite blue tops just as a reminder of how big I was... boy that sounds good the word "WAS" meanng no more fat Roxy, it's all in my past. The future looks very promising. I am so proud of my new body and I am not even half way to my goal yet. This has been such an amazing journey! It's getting easier everyday as I am changing my life with the help of my new and WONDERFUL magic sleeve. I have an appointment with my surgeon on Monday and I plan to give him a big aloha hug and thank him from the bottom of my heart. 
This is truly the best thing I've ever done for myself and I thank God  and everyone on OH for the courage you all gave me to move forward and have this surgery. To the team at Kaiser-Honolulu for their wonderful support and all the education they gave me that allowed me to change my lifestyle in a healthy way. I am blessed!

Eating Regular Foods Again

Jul 15, 2012

It's been quite a journey between liquid, soft liquids and pureed foods. It has been a lot easier than I thought it would be. I found some new foods and combinations of foods i would have never dreamed of trying before WLS. Overall it's been pretty easy and after 24lbs of WL since surgery and 54lbs total I feel great!! Most importantly I am so very glad I had the surgery. my husband has made some comments about my face changing and he is noticing my butt getting smaller...all good stuff. I noticed when i drag my ass out of the pool it's easier then before. If I am already noticing this improvement just think how nice it will be when I've lost 100lbs ...can't wait! So onward and downward I go. 

26 days PO I saw my WL Doctor today

Jun 26, 2012

I saw Dr. Latare today she is one of the doctors I've been seeing for over a year or since I started my WL program with Kaiser-Hawaii. She is a great sounding board and anwsered all my questions. Had my blood drawn today too. Per Dr L I am on track and doing well. Nothing to report and that is all great news for me.  
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I guess the operative word is PATIENCE!

Jun 25, 2012

I've never had much patience for anything, I like to see results quickly and this is no different. So far I've lost 18 lbs since surgery. Or course I'd like to be done with all this already! I know that's not practical but that's beside the point. It's frustrating because I can't exercise yet per doctor's orders. If I could exercice... I think the wt would come off faster, something to look forward to I guess. I feel tired most of the time but doing really good otherwise. I can only eat about 4 to 6 oz at a time so I know the wt will come off in good time. My grandson's are here from California so they are keeping me busy and my mind off food. On the other hand I have to feed them and making food for family is the hard part. I am doing good though... and getting through it. I just wish it came off faster! 

20 days PO .... is it still working?

Jun 20, 2012

 My weight seems to be stuck again ...if I eat more then 500 to 600 calorie I don't seem to lose wt. doctor told me to increase to 700-800 and it's not working. Puree and soft foods are nice but I feel like I may be stretching out my sleeve. Still only eating about 4 to 6ozs at a time. Also I noticed I am feeling hungry... an hour after I eat, NOT good. I can see where grazing could become a problem if I let it... really need to find something to do to keep my mind off the hunger. 

This is definitely a full time job! Still glad I did the surgery. Over all I am 14 lbs down since surgery 20 days ago.....

