what an interesting 2 weeks

Nov 04, 2012

1)  feel sad because a group of twelve kids grabbed the bowl from me and took almost the whole thing! And I had to shut my light off a half hour in, I had 230 pieces of candy...I hate when kids get greedy like that and there was no trick or treat or thank you then the parents came up and trick or treated!! what happened to teaching kids manners and such. i only served maybe 18-20 kids (including the 12) before being done! there were so many more. :(   but anyway i don't get it kids now-a-days don't have fun with Halloween they just want the candy. apparently  a kid walked up to the door at my hubbys, co workers house and said how many. wish he had a back bone to say none. and i had a kid who LOOKED like a ninja i was joking around and said i cant see ninjas and he screamed at me like give me candy and the parents shook their head at my joking they gave me the hurry the F up sign ugh... greedy greedy kids... i don't understand i had so much fun with the dressing up it wasn't about the candy it was about having fun! sorry bout this rant

1) i got my new glasses, had to return them the next day they only made one lenses on my transition pair actually transition and my other pair was off on the prescription they already had to delay it once for a mistake so theres 4 weeks and then now another one to two weeks for them again :/ least the manager was nice he gave me a free cleaning kit and 20 dollars

2) even though i don't get periods, i still getting a bloating cranky lady week as i call it.

3) my car acted weird. random light went on...then it went off....okay weird i tell ya. but trying not to stress it :/ but i am think of filling my tires with nitrogen

4) a fight with the hubs (we're all good now)

5) i swear everyone is fighting with everyone this weekend! so many friends and their significant others had conflict on some way :/

BUT, MY CONSULTATION IS TOMORROW AT 10AM SO EXCITED TO SEE HOW THIS GOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  and i will update more tomorrow, well maybe...if i remember haha i am so forgetful and only 20 geez hate to see what its like being preggo (baby brain) or at 50 haha! hope you all had a good weekend and Halloween.



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