Diva...who me

Mar 07, 2011

Well, time sure flies when you are having fun. I am going to be the next Diva Dr. Evanson says. There was no need for him to pump my head of any further that is for sure. I have ordered clothes to wear in the back of my mind like I am 4 months post op but now actual purchase has been made. I am trying very hard to keep myself under control. lol, how in the world can I contain myself now. I go back to the begining when I first joined OH and the desperation that I felt in those days are long gone. I am counting down the days until I become a new me. I found out at the doctor on friday that I have lost another 24 pounds YEAH ME!!!!!!!!!!!. That makes a grand total of 64. I have lost an enitre person where my husband comes from already. I am super charged I have never lost that much weight on my own and I am loving it. BTW, i am loving my new doctor as much as I love doctor Distlaer. He has a wonderful bedside manner. He was kind and considerate. Even though he was running late ne never rushed our visit. He gave me several chances to ask all the questions I wanted. That is when he realized that I was just ready to get this done. So he said the next time you see me you will be in a green gown with your but out and a yellow cap on your head and little yellow booties on your feet (doc had a sense of humor) and we will get this thing done! I love him already. lol, now I am just waiting for the pre-approval from the insurance company. I never told you guys this before but I can sing. My doctor might be right someone will cut to stage right and I will emerge the Butterfly Diva.


About Me
Indianapolis, IN
Surgery Date
Jan 10, 2009
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