OH family I have an question

Apr 29, 2010

Ok, if you have been following my story you will know how long it has taken me to get to were I am. I have had some very disturbing news about medicaid this week and its been hard for me to swallow. No pun intended. I know that I can get medicaid if I quite my job. But is that taking a step backwards or forwards. This means that I have to give up the doctor that I just found and love, my job where I make 14.98 an hour, and seeing my co-workers who I know and have worked with for over ten years on one hand. On the other hand I will get medicaid, get the surgery I need to postpone death, become more active with my kids, travel with my husband, and get a better job where I will be able to walk around more and travel is need be. I am stuck on what to do. I have one foot out the back door at work anyway because I used up all my FMLA when I was sick. We are on a point system with 6 mean termination. I am at 5.5 or maybe 5.8 now that I had to take off a day this week when my grandmother was taken to the hospital. Any thoughts on this matter would be greatly appreciated because I know that you guys can understand what I am going through. I am coming to you before anyone else with this decision.


About Me
Indianapolis, IN
Surgery Date
Jan 10, 2009
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